Creado por Ben C
hace más de 8 años
--Political extremism and crises, 1918-33--
Why was the government opposed by extremist groups on the left and the right?
What was the effect of the Treaty of Versailles on the German public (UGARGLE)?
--Left wing--
Which left-wing group caused the most disruption to the new republic?
What was the trigger of the Spartacist Uprising and why?
When did the Spartacist Uprising start and what happened, who were its leaders and what happened to them?
What other tactics did left-wing groups use to defy the new republic?
What was the most significant of these attempts, and how were they stopped and why?
--Right wing--
What was the DNVP role in the new Weimar government?
What was the main ideology behind the right-wing opposition?
Which groups made up the right-wing opposition?
--Kapp Putsch--
Who were the leaders of this Putsch?
When did the Kapp Putsch take place, and what role did the army play?
How did the Putsch come to an end?
--Munich Putsch--
When did the Munich Putsch take place, and how did it start?
What happened next in the Munich Putsch?
How was the Putsch a success for Hitler, even though on the surface it was a failure?
Crises for the government, 1919-33
January 1919
February 1919
March 1920
February 1921
November 1923
July 1929
July onwards
--Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45--
What happened to political opposition after August 1933?
Name some of the groups that worked to oppose the Nazis.
Why was it hard for members of the army to oppose Hitler?
--How did people express opposition and dissent?--
Name 5 ways in which people moved to oppose Hitler and the Nazi Party.
--Anti-Nazi campaigns--
What did the KPD, SPD and trade unions do in the early 1930s to oppose the Nazis?
What happened to this sort of opposition (political based) after 1938?
What was the SOPADE and what did they do?
What happened to major left-wing opposition after Operation Barbarossa in June 1941?
What was the Red Orchestra?
Give two ways in which workers sabotaged the Nazis.
What happened to workers who performed these actions?
When the war began, how did these resistance groups progress?
How did the youth rebel against the Nazi regime?
What happened to these swing groups?
Who were the Edelweiss Pirates and what did they do to oppose the regime?
Who were the White Rose Group and what did they do?
Give another way in which people were disobedient to the Nazis.
--Attempts to assassinate Hitler--
From July 1921 to July 1944, how many attempts on Hitler's life were made?
How many were made after 1939 and by whom and what does this show?
What also fuelled the unrest within the army?
What was the July Plot of 1944?
--Church opposition--
What was the Concordat and why did Hitler set this up?
What did Hitler develop in order to counter the influence of the Catholic Church?
What happened by 1933 in terms of the People's Church?
What was created in reaction to this and what was this organisation's view on the matter?
What happened to members of this Church?
--Spontaneous protests--
Give 2 examples of 2 occasions where there were informal reactions by the public.
--Political dissent and active challenge, 1949-89--
What 3 things did the Basic Law state that helped opposition voices?
Name 4 things that were going on in the FRG, which made political dissent and active challenge be less important.
What significance did the results of the 1949 elections have?
What did the SPD oppose during the 1950s?
--Demonstrations and marches in the 1950s--
How did the government suppress extreme opposition in 1952?
Which demonstrations did the communists hold?
--Changes in the 1960s--
What new form of protest was gaining speed throughout the West?
Name 3 ways in which youth opposition was prevalent in the FRG.
--The APO--
What was the APO?
Why else was the APO created?
What was the issue with the SPD reforms?
What was the membership of the APO like and what did they support?
--The SDS--
What was the SDS?
Name some issues that the SDS protested about.
How did student protest progress form 1965-67?
What was the effect of this on the SDS?
What happened in April 1968?
What happened as a result of this?
When and for what was the last SDS demonstration?
--Challenges in the 1970s--
How did the amount of protest that happened die down?
What was the effect of this?
What happened as a result of this by the government?
What was one of the most prominent terrorist groups, and when was it set up?
How did this terrorist group protest and how was support for them shown?
Why did the bombings in the FRG slow?
Terrorist activity in the FRG, 1968-75
2nd April 1968
November 1969
May 1970
September 1970
January 1971
February 1971
December 1971
February 1972
May 1972
September 1972
October 1974
February 1974