Medora Pepper
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Test sobre LEED Practice Exam, creado por Medora Pepper el 21/04/2016.

Medora Pepper
Creado por Medora Pepper hace más de 8 años

LEED Practice Exam

Pregunta 1 de 92


If a LEED project that is providing preferred parking for fuel efficient and low emitting vehicles has multiple parking lots, where should the preferred parking spaces be located?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • preferred parking spaces only need to be provided in one lot

  • preferred parking spaces only need to be located in the lot designated for visitors

  • preferred parking spaces only need to be provided in the lot designated for staff

  • preferred parking spaces must be distributed among all lots


Pregunta 2 de 92


Which LEED recognized strategy will require chain of custody documentation as proof of credit compliance?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • certified wood

  • rapidly renewable resources

  • recycled materials

  • regional materials

  • materials reuse


Pregunta 3 de 92


What is the greatest benefit of an integrative design process as it relates to a LEED project?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • educating the project owner

  • reducing project soft costs

  • meeting building codes

  • shortening the project schedule

  • capitalizing on credit synergies


Pregunta 4 de 92


How many years can an agricultural product grow or be raised to be considered as rapidly renewable by LEED?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 10

  • 15

  • 20

  • 5


Pregunta 5 de 92


Which of the following strategies does not qualify as providing "preferred parking"?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • providing a space that is as close to the building as possible

  • providing a designated covered spot

  • offering a significant discount on parking passes

  • providing a guaranteed space in a lottery system

  • providing a randomly assigned parking space


Pregunta 6 de 92


When are CFC based refrigerants allowed to be used in a LEED project?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • if a CFC phase out is economically infeasible

  • if the refrigerant leakage rate is below 10% annually

  • in existing buildings

  • anytime


Pregunta 7 de 92


Which of the following is not a required design consideration for the recycling collection and storage area prerequisite?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • protection from the elements

  • collection truck access

  • appropriate signage

  • convenient location


Pregunta 8 de 92


A project team is using cotton insulation that is grown and manufactured 100 miles from the project site. What credit(s) will the use of this material count toward?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • rapidly renewable materials

  • recycled content

  • regional materials

  • recycled content and regional materials

  • rapidly renewable materials and regional materials


Pregunta 9 de 92


Which of the following project is considered to be a "soft cost"?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the architect's fees

  • carpet

  • money paid to the brick mason for labor

  • the project's structural steel

  • landscaping costs


Pregunta 10 de 92


What is required as documentation for each and every prerequisite and credit in the LEED for BUilding Designa nd Construction Rating System?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • a project drawings

  • a required signatory

  • a letter template

  • photos

  • a project narrative


Pregunta 11 de 92


What is the minimum amount of pervious area a paving system must have to be considered "open grid"?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 40%

  • 50%

  • 30%

  • 60%

  • 20%


Pregunta 12 de 92


Solar reflectance is roughly synonymous with what term?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • aquifer

  • glare

  • shielding

  • albedo

  • lumen


Pregunta 13 de 92


Which of the following is not considered to be a "basic service"?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Parking lot

  • church

  • bank

  • beauty salon

  • grocery store


Pregunta 14 de 92


One of the most cost effective ways to ensure optimal ongoing energy performance is to ______?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • commission building systems

  • upgrade mechanical systems

  • maintain trees and landscaping features

  • install renewable energy systems


Pregunta 15 de 92


Which federal act has been adopted by many local jurisdictions and contains requirements for building accessibility?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • EPAct

  • ANSI

  • ADA

  • Civil Rights Act



Pregunta 16 de 92


A project generates 100 tons of waste throughout construction. 50 tons are collected off site and sent to a sorting facility with a facility wide diversion rate of 60%. 40 tons are separated on site and sent directly to recyclers. The final 10 tons are incinerated off site. What percentage of waste does LEED consider to have been recycled?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 40%

  • 50%

  • 80%

  • 70%


Pregunta 17 de 92


Which specific refrigerant has the highest global warming potential (GWP) of all the common refrigerants?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • HCFC-123

  • CFC-502

  • CFC-11

  • HFC-404A

  • HFC-23


Pregunta 18 de 92


A project team is considering pursuing an innovation in design credit for a strategy that will require a large capital expense. The team decides that it will implement the strategy only if the strategy will be eligible for an innovation in design credit. What steps should the team take to determine whether its strategy will be eligible for the credit?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Research existing CIRs to see whether the strategy has been previously addressed

  • Draft a compelling narrative for the LEED submittal

  • Calculate the strategy's overall environmental impact and self evaluate whether it is significant

  • Check the LEED rating system


Pregunta 19 de 92


Which strategy supports improved indoor air quality?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • avoid the use of products with high carbon dioxide concentrations

  • use filters with a low minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) rating

  • use materials with recycled content

  • design systems to deliver ample outside air

  • eliminate refrigerants with ozone depletion potential

  • use advanced framing techniques


Pregunta 20 de 92


A new high rise residential building should use what LEED rating system for certification?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • LEED for New Construction

  • LEED for Homes

  • LEED for Operations and Maintenance

  • LEED for Core and Shell

  • LEED for Interior Design and Construction


Pregunta 21 de 92


The regional priority credits for a project are based on what?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • The project's city

  • the project's state

  • the project's county

  • the project's zip code


Pregunta 22 de 92


What costing model should be used to demonstrate the true cost of sustainability strategies?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • simple payback

  • benefit analysis

  • return on investment

  • life cycle costing


Pregunta 23 de 92


What is the energy policy act used for in the LEED rating systems?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • to set indoor air quality requirements

  • to establish baseline building plumbing fixture performance

  • to establish baseline building energy performance

  • to set product VOC limits


Pregunta 24 de 92


What is the first step in a successful waste management policy?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • determine the embodied energy of the product

  • specify recyclable materials

  • recycle all possible construction materials

  • reduce the total quantity of waste

  • reuse existing materials


Pregunta 25 de 92


What is the first step a project team should consider when trying to save energy?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • install sub metering equipment

  • use onsite renewable energy

  • reduce energy demand

  • adopt energy efficient measures


Pregunta 26 de 92


What happens if USBC finds out that a project does not meet the minimum program requirements (MPRs)?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the project's certification level is lowered by one level

  • the project must be resubmitted

  • certification can be revoked

  • a fine must be paid


Pregunta 27 de 92


The heat island effect may raise the temperature in an urban area by how many degrees above the temperature in nearby rural areas?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 10

  • 8

  • 2

  • 6

  • 4


Pregunta 28 de 92


What percentage of the solid waste stream each year is attributable to construction and demolition of waste?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 50%

  • 20%

  • 10%

  • 40%

  • 30%


Pregunta 29 de 92


What factor should a project team not consider when calculating life cycle costs?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • maintenance costs

  • operating costs

  • initial costs

  • life span

  • none of the above


Pregunta 30 de 92


Which of the following transportation methods does not count as public transportation for LEED purposes?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • subway system

  • campus shuttle or school bus system

  • bus

  • elevated rail system

  • taxi


Pregunta 31 de 92


Use of a dry urinal would decrease the fixture's water use form the Energy Policy Act baseline urinal water usage by how much?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 1.6 GPF

  • 2.5 GPF

  • 0.5 GPF

  • 1.0 GPF


Pregunta 32 de 92


LEED defined regional materials as originating within ____ miles of the project site?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 500

  • 700

  • 100

  • 250


Pregunta 33 de 92


Projects can identify which credits have regional priority by ____?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Checking the USGBC website

  • researching locally pertinent environmental issues

  • calculating the net environmental impact

  • submitting a CIR


Pregunta 34 de 92


Which type of refrigerant has an essentially zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) but still has high global warming potential (GWP)?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • HCFCs

  • HFCs

  • CFCs

  • natural refrigerants


Pregunta 35 de 92


Which of the following is not a LEED accepted strategy for decreasing single rider, conventional automobile use?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • providing preferred parking for fuel efficient and low emitting vehicles

  • charging fees for parking

  • locating the project near mass transit

  • providing only the amount of parking required by the zoning code

  • providing bicycle storage and showers


Pregunta 36 de 92


A building material that is made from recycled soda bottles contains _____?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • pre-fabricated recycled content

  • post-industrial recycled content

  • pre-consumer content

  • post-consumer recycled content


Pregunta 37 de 92


Which LEED category has the most available LEED points?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • water efficiency

  • indoor environmental air quality

  • location and transportation

  • energy and atmosphere

  • sustainable sites

  • materials and resources


Pregunta 38 de 92


Which strategy is not effective in reducing potable water use for irrigation?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • mulching

  • rainwater harvesting

  • drip irrigation

  • spray irrigation

  • using native or adapted plants


Pregunta 39 de 92


What environmental problem is associated with CFC and HCFC use?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • soil erosion

  • ozone depletion

  • the heat island effect

  • water pollution

  • air pollution


Pregunta 40 de 92


Which of the following strategies would not be appropriate for mitigating the heat island effect potential of the parking lot of a large office building?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • use paving with a SRI of 35

  • place half of the parking underground

  • use open grid paving

  • use mature trees to shade 50% of the parking lot

  • plant seedling conifers to shade the parking


Pregunta 41 de 92


Which of the following is not a strategy for reducing stormwater runoff volume?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • installing a vegetated roof

  • rainwater harvesting

  • minimizing the building footprint

  • increasing impervious paving

  • using bio retention


Pregunta 42 de 92


Which of the following types of vehicles does not qualify as an alternative fuel vehicle for the purposes of LEED?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Diesel powered

  • ethanol pwered

  • hydrogen powered

  • electric powered

  • hybrid (gas-electric)


Pregunta 43 de 92


How many of the 110 available points in most of the rating systems are considered bonus points?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 10

  • 20

  • 15

  • 5


Pregunta 44 de 92


Why should a project team aim to significantly exceed the established threshold of a LEED credit?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • to save the world

  • to be an overachiever

  • as a precaution against a credit being audited

  • to earn exemplary performance


Pregunta 45 de 92


What strategy is being used for a project design that orients windows to allow the building to be warm in the winter, stay cool in the summer and capture daylight?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • energy simulation modeling

  • high performance mechanical systems

  • passive design concepts

  • efficiencies of scale


Pregunta 46 de 92


Which type of system or equipment would not be a consumer of process water?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • dishwasher

  • cooling tower

  • domestic hot water heater

  • clothes washer

  • food steamer


Pregunta 47 de 92


What is one potential disadvantage of using comingled recycling as a part of a construction waste management plan?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • It is more difficult to document than site separated recycling

  • it may be more expensive than site separated recycling

  • it takes up more site area than site separated recycling

  • it may require a greater time investment from the project team


Pregunta 48 de 92


The CRI green label plus certification program certifies what type of building material?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • furniture

  • adhesives

  • wood products

  • paint

  • carpet


Pregunta 49 de 92


Which of the following is not an acceptable form of renewable energy under the LEED rating systems?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • low impact hydro-electricity

  • wind turbines

  • nuclear pwoer

  • geothermal

  • photovoltaic panels


Pregunta 50 de 92


Which type of refrigerant in general is the most efficient?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • HFCs

  • CFCs

  • Natural refrigerants

  • HCFCs


Pregunta 51 de 92


Which of the following is not required of an Innovation and design strategy?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • it must be a strategy not already covered in the LEED rating systems

  • it must be quantifiable

  • it must be cost effective

  • it must be repeatable by other projects

  • it must be comprehensive


Pregunta 52 de 92


Which of the following is not an approved strategy for minimizing the non-roof heat island effect?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • shading hardscape with photovoltaiv panels

  • placing parking underground

  • using paving materials with an SRI of 29 or higher

  • using asphalt for parking areas

  • using open grid paving


Pregunta 53 de 92


Which rating system has a required recertification process?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Operations and Maintenance

  • Homes

  • Interior Design and Construction

  • Building Design and Construction

  • Neighborhood Development


Pregunta 54 de 92


If a project has 1 full time employee and 6 part time employees, what is the projects full time equivalent value (FTE)?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 6

  • 3

  • 5

  • 7

  • 4


Pregunta 55 de 92


What is the best use for potable water?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Drinking

  • cooling towers

  • toilet flushing

  • irrigation

  • swimming pools


Pregunta 56 de 92


What type of plant material is most appropriate for use on a green roof?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • annuals

  • cultivated plant species

  • native plants

  • trees and shrubs


Pregunta 57 de 92


Which type of water is not allowed to be used for irrigation purposes?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Well water

  • gray water

  • captured rain water

  • potable water

  • black water


Pregunta 58 de 92


What is an appropriate use of the LEED logo?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • for a link to the website

  • by a project pursuing LEED certificaiton

  • on product packaging

  • to indicate an organization's USGBC membership


Pregunta 59 de 92


What is not a possible source of graywater?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Washing machine

  • Toilets

  • Bathroom sink

  • showers

  • drinking fountain


Pregunta 60 de 92


What is true of the CIR process?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • CIRs can be submitted by anyone with a USGBC account

  • all projects must use CIRs

  • CIRs cost $220 each

  • a successful CIR can aware LEED points


Pregunta 61 de 92


Demand controlled ventilation is typically adjusted in response to___?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • VOC concentrations

  • a time schedule

  • occupant requests to the building operator

  • carbon dioxide concentraions


Pregunta 62 de 92


What sustainability concept can xeriscaping contribute to?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • reducing the heat island effect

  • certified wood

  • indoor air quality

  • construction waste management

  • water efficient irrigation


Pregunta 63 de 92


Which material below is not considered a rapidly renewable resource?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • bamboo

  • wood

  • cork

  • silk

  • straw


Pregunta 64 de 92


What is the best time to incorporate an integrative approach for a building project?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • design development

  • construction documents

  • construction

  • schematic design

  • predesign


Pregunta 65 de 92


Which of the following regulations is likely to be contained in zoning regulations? (pick 3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • landscaping regulations

  • stormwater management regulations

  • regulations on energy usage

  • open space requirements

  • parking space requirements


Pregunta 66 de 92


Projects that achieve a projected water savings of at least ___ are eligible for an exemplary performance ID credit in addition to earning 4 points in WE indoor water use reduction.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 55%

  • 40%

  • 45%

  • 50%

  • 35%


Pregunta 67 de 92


What are some other possible LEED certifications a project may be able to receive if it has already received LEED core and shell certification? (pick 2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • LEED for schools

  • LEED for new construction

  • LEED for operation and maintenance

  • LEED for Homes

  • LEED for commercial interiors


Pregunta 68 de 92


A fuel efficient vehicle must meet which requirement to qualify as low emission and fuel efficient vehicles?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • green label score of 30 or more

  • green label score of 45 or more

  • green e score of 25 or more

  • green seal score of 30 or more

  • green score of 45 or more


Pregunta 69 de 92


Which of the following products would be considered to contain post consumer recycled content that wuold contribute to the LEED credit for recycled content?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • plumbing pipe made from recycled plastic components

  • steel beams made from used railroad ties

  • glass tiles made from glass broken during manufacturing

  • carpet made from recycled soda bottles

  • a countertop made from newspapers


Pregunta 70 de 92


During construction, if permanently installed air handlers are used, what is the minimum MERV rating for the filtration media needed to achieve IEQ credit: construction IAQ management plan?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • MERV 8

  • MERV 6

  • MERV 7

  • MERV 10

  • MERV 5

  • MERV 9


Pregunta 71 de 92


What 3 standards can be used to achieve EA credit 1 Optimize energy performance? (pick 3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Advanced buildings benchmark


  • ASHRAE 90.1-2010

  • ASHRAE 62.1-2010

  • ASHRAE advanced energy design guide


Pregunta 72 de 92


What may prevent pedestrian access to a community resource? (pick 3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • a parking lot

  • a public park

  • a freeway interchange

  • distance

  • a wall


Pregunta 73 de 92


Which of the following materials may not contribute to construction waste management strategies? (pick 2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • concrete

  • product packaging

  • scrap wood

  • asbestos floor tiles

  • land clearing debris


Pregunta 74 de 92


What does the construction activity pollution prevention plan aim to prevent? (pick 3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • carbon emissions

  • solid waste generation

  • erosion

  • airborne dust pollution

  • sedimentation

  • construction worker accidents


Pregunta 75 de 92


Which standards are used to establish what vehicles qualify as low emitting and fuel efficient vehicles?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • California air resources

  • green seal standard

  • american council for an energy efficient economy green book

  • green e prodcut

  • the greenguard certification program


Pregunta 76 de 92


The cost of LEED certification for new construction is based on which of the following?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • USGBC membership and project type

  • project size

  • project size and USGBC membership

  • USGBC membership

  • project size and project type

  • project type


Pregunta 77 de 92


What is the cost of submitting a CIR?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 100

  • 0

  • 220

  • 500

  • 50


Pregunta 78 de 92


In addition to prohibiting smoking within the building, where is it also important to prohibit smoking to reduce occupant exposure to harmful airborne chemicals? (pick 2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • in covered parking spaces

  • in wooded areas

  • adjacent to building air intakes

  • near building entrances


Pregunta 79 de 92


Which of the following groups would be considered transient occupants? (pick 2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • college students

  • retail customers

  • office workers

  • factory workers

  • elementary school students


Pregunta 80 de 92


What happens after the construction submittal?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • the full application is ruled upon by USGBC

  • construction points are awarded

  • the design submittal

  • design and construction points are awarded


Pregunta 81 de 92


What types of water on a residential condo project could not be used to qualify for WE credit 1 outdoor water use reduction? (pick 2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • captured rainwater

  • laundry water

  • recycled waste water

  • public water, non potable

  • kitchen sink water

  • black water


Pregunta 82 de 92


What are the two primary benefits of using regional materials? (pick 2)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • minimizing the impacts of transportation

  • reducing costs

  • assuring quality craftsmanship

  • supporting the local economy


Pregunta 83 de 92


At minimum, which of the following basic materials should a recycling program designed to meet the storage and collection of recyclables prerequisite accommodate? (pick 3)

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • glass

  • plastics

  • cardboard

  • bulbs

  • ink cartridges


Pregunta 84 de 92


How can a project purchase green power? pick 2

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • By purchasing green e certified RECs

  • by buying energy directly from nearby wind farm

  • through a program by the local utility company

  • by purchasing and installing solar panels


Pregunta 85 de 92


Which of the following projects would definitely not meet minimum program requirements?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • 5,000 SF fire station

  • casino on a riverboat

  • a brand new elementary school

  • renovation/addition to large office building

  • temporary sports practice facility


Pregunta 86 de 92


What two specific types of refrigerants does the Montreal Protocol phase out the use of? pick 2

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • CFCs

  • HFCs

  • natural

  • HCFCs


Pregunta 87 de 92


Two primary sources of potable water:

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • private/public well

  • ocean

  • captured rainwater

  • lake or stream

  • municipal water systems


Pregunta 88 de 92


What are some useful strategies to achieve WE credit: outdoor water use reduction? pick 3

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • use bioswales

  • use drip irrigation

  • remove turf grass

  • implement mulching

  • create a sediment basin


Pregunta 89 de 92


Which approaches can be taken to achieve WE credit outdoor water use reduction? pick 3

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • avoid mulch around flower beds

  • irrigate shrubs

  • micro misters

  • irrigate with captured rain water

  • native plants

  • use only mono species


Pregunta 90 de 92


What are ways to reduce storm water runoff volume?

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • create retention ponds

  • impervious paving

  • slowing water run off rates

  • use high albedo roof covering

  • use smaller building footprint

  • install bioswales


Pregunta 91 de 92


Local codes and regulations may affect which of the following strategies? pick 2

Selecciona una o más de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • purchasing green power

  • minimizing parking capacity

  • managing indoor air quality

  • construction waste management

  • use of rainwater for toilet flushing


Pregunta 92 de 92


What is reduced when a project uses reclaimed water in its cooling towers?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • process water use

  • irrigation water use

  • potable water use

  • nonpotable water use

  • indoor plumbing water use
