What are the two major factors that classify diffrent climate types.
Tempeture, Precipitaton
Rain, and clouds
Wind, And temps
Temps and wind
What is the main factor that influnces a continental climate?
close to the ocean
on the ocean
not close to the ocean
Define Climate
Short term conditions of clouds, rain, and wind
Long term conditions of temps, clouds, rain, and wind
Long term conditions of temps, and wind
Long term conditions of clouds, and wind
Summers are caused by daylight hours and more sun rays
What is the main cause of the different seasons of the year?
Angle of earth's axis
axis of the earth
Climate zones and degree's of latitude.
Polar 66.5 North And South
Temprate 66.5 North And South
temprate 23.5 to 66.5 North And South
Tropical 23.9 north and south
Tropical 23.5 north and south
Where are the suns rays least direct
artic circle
antartic circle
tropic of capricorn
tropic of cancer
What climate region recives lessthen 25 cm of rain
semi arid
tropical wet
Earth's axis near the end of march and september.
Equinox, not pointing towards or away from the sun
Equinox, pointing towards or away from the sun
Tropical wet climate. What State?
Leeward is the dry side of the mountain.
windward is the dry side too.
sea levels have rose about 6.7 inches in the last century.
Sea levals rise
Ocean Acidificatio
More Droughts and Heat Waves
Sea Levels will Rise 1-4 Feet by 2100
ten warmest years have been in the 2000s, 2015 warmest year on record.
Extreme Event
Global Temperature Rise
Temperatures Will Continue to Rise
Changes in Precipitation Patterns
Greenland lost 287 billion metric tons a year. Antarctica is losing 134 billion metric tons
Declining Arctic Sea Ice
Shrinking Ice Sheets
Frost Free Season Will Lengthen
ice is melting at a 12% rate by decade.
Glacial Retreat
Decreased Snow Cover
400 billion tons is the total loss of glaciers per year since 1994
Blanket Around the Earth
Weather, Hurricane, flooding, tornado, droughts, heatwaves.
Change Will Continue
Ocean absorbs ⅓ of carbon dioxide produced.
Ocean Acidification
Snow cover decreasing over last 50 years.
Greenhouse effect.” 1.Carbon dioxide 2. Methan 3. Nitrous oxide 4. Water vapor
Warm water is bigger water.
2010 & 2015 warmest years on recorded
Hurricanes Will Become Stronger and More Intense
Growing season is longer bc of the heat trapping gases are increasing.
Overall A large Portion of the us should get rain
Arctic Will Likely become Ice Free
Summers will keep getting warmer. The biggest are that is affected is the southwest.
What Can We Do?
Since water temps rise more hurricanes will come.
Sea levels rise because ice melt and bc of warm waters, expanding.
Regional Effects
Ice melt goes right along with temp change/global warming
Stop smoking, shorter showers, water off when not in use, recycle, carpool, ride bikes, plant more trees, etc.
What Can We Do? -