Creado por irenamileva
hace casi 9 años
What is Code, Capacity, Duration & Chuncking?
Describe the Research on Coding (Baddeley).
Describe the Findings on Coding (Baddeley).
Describe the Research & Findings of Digit Span (Capacity).
Describe the Research & Findings of Span of Memory & Chunking (Capacity).
Describe the Research & Findings of Duration of STM.
Describe the Research & Findings of Duration of LTM.
Evaluate the Research on Coding.
Evaluate the Research on Capacity.
Evaluate the Research on Duration (STM).
Evaluate the Research on Duration (LTM).
Describe the Multi-Store Model (MSM).
Describe the Sensory Register Store.
Describe the Short-Term Memory (STM) Store.
Describe the Long-Term Memory (LTM) Store.
Evaluate the Supporting Research Evidence for MSM.
Evaluate 'There is More then One Type of STM'.
Evaluate 'There is More than One Type of Rehearsal'.
What are the 3 Different Types of Long Term Memory?
Describe Episodic Memory.
Describe Semantic Memory.
Describe Procedural Memory.
Evaluate Clinical Evidence (for Types of LTM).
Evaluate Neuroimaging Evidence (for Types of LTM).
Evaluate Real-Life Applications (for Types of LTM).
What is the Working Memory Model (WMM)?
Draw a Diagram to Show the Working Memory Model.
What are the 4 Units of the Working Memory Model?
Descibe the Central Executive.
Describe the Phonological Loop.
Describe the Visuo-spatial Sketchpad.
Describe the Episodic Buffer.
Evaluate Clinical Evidence (for the WMM).
Evaluate Dual Task Performance (for the WMM).
Evaluate the Lack of Clarity over the Central Executive (for the WMM).
What is Inteference?
What is Proactive Interference?
What is Retroactive Interference?
Describe McGeoch & McDonald's Study (Procedure).
Describe McGeoch & McDonald's Study (Findings).
Evaluate the Evidence from Lab Studies (Interference).
Evaluate Artificial Material (Interference).
Evaluate Real-Life Studies (Interference).
What are 2 Explanations of Forgetting?
What is Retrieval Failure?
What is a Cue?
Describe the Encoding Specificity Principle (ESP) - (Retrieval Failure Theory).
Describe the Procedure & Findings for Context-Dependent Forgetting (Retrieval Failure Theory).
Describe the Procedure & Findings for State-Dependent Forgetting (Retrieval Failure Theory).
Evaluate the Supporting Evidence (for the Retrieval Failure Theory).
Evaluate the Questioning Context Effects (for the Retrieval Failure Theory).
Evaluate Recall vs Recognition (for thr Retrieval Failure Theory).
What is Eyewitness Testimony (EWT)?
What is Misleading Information?
What is a Leading Question?
Whats is Post-Event Discussion (PED)?
Describe the Procedure of Leading Questions.
Describe the Findings of Leading Questions.
Describe the Procedure of Post-Event Discussion.
Describe the Findings of Post-Event Discussion.
Describe Useful Real-Life Application (Misleading Questions).
Evaluate the Fact that the Tasks are Artificial (Leading Questions).
Evaluate Individual Differences (EWT).
What is Anxiety?
Describe the Procedure of Anxiety Having a Negative Effect on Recall (The Effects of Anxiety).
Describe the Findings of Anxiety Having a Negative Effect on Recall (The Effects of Anxiety).
Describe the Procedure of Anxiety Having a Positive Effect on Recall (The Effects of Anxiety).
Describe the Findings of Anxiety Having a Positive Effect on Recall (The Effects of Anxiety).
Explain the Contradictory Findings (The Effects of Anxiety).
Evaluate how the Weapon Focus Effect may not be Relevant (The Effects of Anxiety).
Evaluate how Field Studies Sometimes Lack Control (The Effects of Anxiety).
Evaluate that There are Ethical Issues (The Effects of Anxiety).
What is a Cognitive Interview?
What are the 4 Main Techniques used in a Cognitive Interview?
Describe 'Report Everything' (Cognitive Interview).
Describe 'Reinstate the Context' (Cognitive Interview).
Describe 'Reverse the Order' (Cognitive Interview).
Describe 'Change Perspective' (Cognitive Interview).
Describe the Enhanced Cognitive Interview.
Evaluate the Fact that the Cognitive Interview is Time-Consuming.
Evaluate that Some Elements maybe be more Valuable than Others (Cognitive Interview).
Evaluate the Support for the Effectiveness of the Enhanced Cognitive Interview.