What color does Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria stain?
Explain the structure of Gram-positive bacteria.
What is the function of Teichoic acids?
Enzymes secreted by gram-positive bacteria are called?
Explain the structure of the Gram- negative Bacteria?
What are some functions of LPs and what is Porin protein?
What is plamolysis? what does lysozyme and penicillin do to peptidoglycan layer ?
protoplast Vs. Spheroplast?
Capsules and slime layers
Explain aracheal cell wall and difference bte mono layer and bilayer?
Nucleoid and plasmids explain the difference.
Episomes and curing
Conjuctive plasmid, F factor, R plasmids?
Bacteriocins, virulence and and metabolic PLasmids?
Fimbriae VS sex pili?
Bacterial flagella 3 patterns ?
Explain the structure of Flagellin?
Explain the structures of the basal body specifally the rings. ?
What is the motor of the fallegala made of?