Lia Parkinson
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

Hybrid, Deontological and Teleological

Lia Parkinson
Creado por Lia Parkinson hace más de 8 años

A2 Philosophy Quotes

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"One of the most ancient examples of ethical , how are we to differentiate between the that bade Abraham and the voice that forbade him to do so?" - Kearney (Strangers, Gods and Monsters)


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Critical of some of societies norms: "The tyrant, himself with a craving for , compels by ; the martyr, in himself unconditionally to God, compels through his own . So the tyrant dies and his rule is over; the martyr dies and his rule begins." - Søren (Papers and Journals)


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"Among miracles, the are the most completely irreconcilable with the use of our reason. For as regards miracles, reason would at least have a negative criterion for its use, namely that even though something is represented as a by God, through a direct manifestation of Him, yet it flatly contradicts , it cannot, despite all appearances, be of God." (eg: ~ father killing innocent son) - (Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone - 19)
