Creado por ecmarchese
hace casi 11 años
What are 3 types of trauma?
What are 2 life threatening consequences of trauma?
Accounts for 25% of all traumatic deaths annually in the US?
Direct sternal compression on the heart.
What non-penetrating/ blunt chest trauma cause?
What are the echo findings for blunt trauma?
This can cause complications Similar to MI, RV is the most susceptible, ventricular aneurysm/ pseudo and arrhythmia
What are the complications of blunt trauma?
What is the most common complication of blunt trauma?
What is a long term complication of blunt trauma?
These rarely occur (9%), and the left side valves most often affected due to increased pressures.
This valve is vulnerable in early diastole and may cause the valve to rupture.
What would you find valve injuries to the aortic valve?
This valve is vulnerable in diastole causing injury to the chordae or papillary muscle
What would you find in trauma to the mitral valve?
This valve injury is associated with rupture of the RV free wall.
What would you find with a tricuspid valve injury?
What's the only solution for great vessel injury?
With a great vessel injury what will you see?
These are hemodynamically unstable, and most often present with lacerated aorta, lacerated PA
Are great vessel injury fatal?
Trauma to the heart due to knives, bullets, projectiles
What is most effected with penetrating injury?
List in order what structures are affected with penetrating injury?
What are some echo findings for penetrating trauma?
This is a hole in the artery and vein that due to pressure force together, and have to be surgically separated.
When doing an echo what do we use Doppler when evaluating a penetrating trauma?
Injury due to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
During heart catheterization, what type of injuries can you acquire?
What are 4 different types of latrogenic injuries?
This procedure causes man made arterial septal defects, and the rupture of chordae tendinae?
This procedure can result in a Punctured myocardium.
This procedure can cause perforation of atriums/ ventricles/ septums, pericardial effusion/ tamponade.
During this procedure there is an increased risk of RV perforation.
What is the most common problem after cardiac surgery?
This procedure can cause PE, adhesions, extra cardinal blood clots, compression of RV, pseudo aneurysms
This procedure can cause a laceration of the heart, rupture of the heart, RV papillary muscle rupture or dysfunction, and a laceration or rupture of the great vessels