Creado por justagirlwholove
hace casi 9 años
What is abortion?
State one reason why a woman might want an abortion
What do Christians understand by the term “sanctity of life”?
State two options a woman may choose instead of abortion
What is capital punishment?
Name one country which allows capital punishment
State one reason against capital punishment
State one reason in favour of capital punishment.
What is restorative justice?
Give one quality a Christian might look for in a marriage partner
Why might a couple exchange rings during a wedding ceremony?
State two purposes of marriage given in a Christian wedding
What is a “civil partnership”?
What is pacifism?
What is a “conscientious objector”?
Give any three conditions for a just war.
What is euthanasia?
What is meant by voluntary euthanasia?
What is meant by passive euthanasia?
Give one reason in favour of euthanasia.
Name a group or organisation which supports euthanasia.
What is abortion?
Give one option a woman might choose instead of abortion.
Give one argument against abortion.
Give two ways in which a woman’s life might be affected by an
unwanted pregnancy?
Name one way people can care for the environment.
Name one way people are damaging the Earth.
Name one animal rights issue
In the Creation story, who did God put in charge of everything?
How can Christians give thanks to God for his creation and
What is racism?
Name one way Christians can challenge racism
Name one reason why some people are prejudiced towards
Name two groups of people who may be disadvantaged in our
Name two vows taken in a wedding ceremony
Why might a couple exchange rings during a wedding ceremony?
What is a heterosexual relationship?
Name one organisation that can help a couple whose marriage is
in difficulty.
Name one religious minority group in Northern Ireland.
Name two difficulties that might be faced by people from religious
minority groups.
Give one way in which a school can make pupils from different
religions feel welcome.
Name one group that helps people from different religions to meet
What is abortion?
Give one argument in favour of abortion
Give one argument against abortion.
Give one option a woman might choose instead of an abortion.
Give one way a woman’s life might be affected by an unwanted pregnancy
What is euthanasia?
Give one argument in favour of euthanasia.
Give one argument against euthanasia.
What is meant by active euthanasia?
What is meant by passive euthanasia?