Creado por Deepak Boopathi
hace casi 11 años
What is the result of self Knowledge
Different types of mukthi
Jeevan Mukthi refers to
Videya Mukthi refers to
Krama mukthi refers to
What happens to agnani after death
what happens to jani after death
how a jnani does not have
what are the results of karma
Is jnani free from karma phalam
drsta palam refers to
Adrsta Phalam refers to
Punyam is produced by practising
Papam is produced by practising
why do good people suffer and bad people have a gala time
Is Life a fate or free will?
Why innocent children are born handicapped
Three types of adrsta Punya Papas
when i do Prayaschitta Karma
Punya Papa Acquired in this jenma is called
unfructified Punya Papas accumulated in infinite jenma is called
Papa Punya Fructifying in the Present jenma is called
what are the three parameters does Prarabdha Determines
does agami karma come to a gnani
what happens to janis karma at the time of death
Is scriptual study is the only way to attain moksha.
then what made westeners, Ramana maharishi,Nisargadatta and Sasguru Enlightened
How can we identify a self realised Person
Does going to heaven Means enlightenment
Can i attain moksha without following Dharma
Do jeeva problem dissappear for a gnani after attaining gnanam