Due to the risk of runaways, what should be used on all long vertical cable pulls?
Braking systems
Extra tape
Basket grips
Constant pressure
A good place to find data for supporting cable in vertical conduit runs is from _____.
trade journals
manufacturers' catalogs
the NEC®
the cable-pulling manual
The feed-in setup should unreel the cable _____.
in a circular manner
in a reverse S formation
along its natural curvature
with a polygon curvature
Which of the following determines the amount of force applied to a pull?
The radius of the surface over which the cable is being bent
The type of wiring-pulling rope being used
The amount of wire-pulling lubricant being used
The number of wraps on the puller drum (capstan)
The substance used to reduce the friction inside a raceway during a wire pull is _____.
wire-pulling lubricant
an oil-soaked swab
silicone spray
axle grease