Creado por Chloe Osei
hace casi 9 años
What is freedom?
What is the context in which Hobbes is writing
Give a quote from a writer who is explains this
What is the state of nature of Hobbes
For Hobbes are men equal?
What does the state of nature lend itself towards
What is the latin for "War of all against all?"
What is his solution?
What do subjects get in return
Bible quote he uses
Problems with Hobbesian approach
What is the problem of using literal historical citique of the bible
Quote from Critics of the Bible Drury
What does Rousseau say about Hobbesian approach?
What is the state of nature for Locke?
What is the role of the state?
When is power legitimate?
Can consent be withdrawn
What is Locke's main aim
What is property
Explain his main texts in favour of this form of government
What does Rousseau say about Locke
What is the biggest problem for Rousseau concerning both Hobbes and Locke?
What is the state of nature for Rousseau?
What is the idea of the Noble savage?
How are group identities formed?
What is the negative by-product of governing?
What is private property for Rousseau?
What is Rousseau's solution?
What is the general will?