Creado por Grace Bennett
hace más de 8 años
When and why did the Grand coalition led by Muller break down?
Who replaced Muller in 1930, and from which party was he from?
What was Bruning's response to the Depression?
In the September 1930 election what happened to the extremist parties percentage of votes?
How did the Reichstag begin to break down due to increased deputies of the Nazis?
Due to the Reichstag now irrelevant, where did the political struggle end up?
Did the SA ban do anything to prevent the violence?
What was the appeal of Nazism?
Why did Bruning's government fall in May 1932?
When was von Papen's government and what was it nicknamed?
What did Von Papen do which unleashed a new wave of Street violence?
What were the percentage of votes for the KPD and NSDAP for both 1932 elections?
What did Hitler do after the July 1932 election when it became clear the Nazis wouldn't get an absolute majority that way?
Why did the Nazis see a slight decline in vote in November 1932?
What was the role of backstair intrigue which helped Hitler into power?
Why did Schleicher become chancellor and when?
When was Hitler appointed Chancellor?
And what was Hitler's cabinet
After Hitler had been appointed how did Nazi use of terror escalate?
How was the 1933 election subject to nazi use of terror also?
How did Hitler use legal power to take control?
What was the outcome of the 1933 election?
What act did Hitler pass in 1933?
What were the effects of the Enabling Act?
What was the state of Germany in March 1933?