Creado por Hanne Kortegaard
hace casi 9 años
Healing of soft tissue is divided into 3 phases: inflammatory, proliferation and remodeling.
In which of the phase(s) does neoangiogenesis mainly take place?
1. Remodeling
2. inflammatory
3. proliferation
4. inflammatory and remodeling
5. inflammatory and proliferation
What number of bacteria per gram of tissue is believed to increase risk of infection in a wound substantially?
1. 10.000
2. 100.000
3. 1.000.000
4. 10.000.000
5. 100.000.000
What type(s) of bonehealing takes place when platefixation technique is used?
1. Indirect healing
2. Inflammatory healing
3. Non-union healing
4. Contact and gap healing
5. Callus formation