Creado por Rachel Vince
hace más de 8 años
What is the definition of Cognition?
Who developed the first psychology lab?
Who conducted one of the first cognitive psychological experiments?
Franciscus Donders (1868)
1) Hypothesis (& rationale)
2) Results
3) Difficulties
Why was Donder's (1868) experiment important?
What is Behaviourism?
Founded by...
Describe the rise of Cognition.
Describe the parrallels between Information Processing and Cognition.
What are the limitations?
What is the difference between Basic Cognition and Applied Cognition?
What did Baddeley et al (1975) study?
What did Ellis and Hennelly (1980) study?
What are the two basic types of perceptual processing?
What does the 'context' mean in terms of perceptual processing?
What are the three approaches to Bottom-Up pattern recognition?
What are the problems with Feature Approach?
What is the Word Superiority Effect?
Study by Reicher (1969)
Describe the interaction between bottomup and top down processing.
Study by Vokey and Read (1985)
What are Framing Effects in Decision Making?
When a choice is framed in terms of gains, people use ... strategy.
When a choice is framed in terms of losses, people use ... strategy.
What is Attention?
What is Selective Attention?
What is divided attention?
What are two general types of Attention Models?
Describe Broadbent's (1958) Filter Model of Early Selection.
What is the Sensory Store?
... Detector?
What is the evidence for Broadbent's Filter Model?
What are the findings of the Dichotic Listening Task?
Study by Gray & Wedderburn (1960)
Study by Mackay (1973)
What is Task Loading?
What is Automaticity?
What is Highway Hypnosis?
What are the arguments against HH being due to attention/automaticity?
What is the relationship between Automaticity and Task Difficulty?
What are Mnemonic Devices?
What are Informal (Naive) Mneumonics?
What are Formal Mnemonics?
What 3 things does a mnemonic device do to improve memory?
What are two problems with the use of mnemonics?
What four principles in cognition can be used to help improve memory?
What is Encoding Specificity?
What is the Levels of Processing (LOP) Theory?
Study by Godden & Baddeley (1975)
What is Transfer-Appropriate Processing?
Study by Morris et al (1977)
What is Judgement of Learning (JOL)?
What is the difference in accuracy for immediate vs delayed JoL?
What is Autobiographical Memory?
What are Conway's (1996) three Layers of Knowledge within Autobiographical Memory?
What is the Reminiscence Bump?
What are the two hypothesis for the Reminiscence Bump?
Study by Schrauf & Rubin (1998)
What is Childhood Amnesia?
What are three explanations for childhood amnesia?
What is Freud's explanation for childhood amnesia?
What is the Schema explanation for childhood amnesia?
What is the Neurological explanation for childhood amnesia?
What are Flashbulb Memories?
Study by Brown & Kulick (1977)
What is the argument against the idea of a special mechanism for Flashbulb Memories?
What is confabulation?
When are recollections experienced as a memory?
Constructivist Approach to Memory
Jacoby & Whitehouse (1989)
What other factors influence memory?
How do Schemas influence memories?
What is Source Monitoring?
What is Source Misattribution?
Wade et al (2002)
Autobiographical Study
What is Reasoning?
What is Deductive Reasoning?
What are Syllogisms?
What is Inductive Reasoning?
What factors determine the strength of an argument/conclusion in Inductive Reasoning?
How is Inductive Reasoning used in science?
How is inductive reasoning used in everyday life?
What are two general approaches to solving problems?
What is an Algorithm?
What is a Heuristic?
What is an Availability Heuristic?
What is Illusory Correlation?
Are Availability Heuristics reliable?
What is a Representative Heuristic?
What is the Base Rate?
What is a modern version of base rate fallacy?
What is the Conjunction Rule?
What is the Law of Large Numbers?
What is Confirmation Bias?
What is the Utility Approach in decision making?
What are Framing Effects?
When a choice is framed in terms of gains, people use ... strategies.
When a choice is framed in terms of losses, people use ... strategies.
What is the Psychological Accounting Principle?
Decision Making
Keeping in Mind vs Ignoring
Irrelevent Info
What are the benefits of writing down Pros and Cons?