Creado por nathan peake
hace más de 8 años
Chapter 1
what is a stakeholder?
identify 3 stakeholders
what is the interest of a business owner as a stakeholder?
how would it impact a stakeholder if a business does not succeed?
what kinds of conflicts may stakeholders have with each other?
give an example of why employees would be interested in the success of a business?
give 2 examples of why owners would be interested in the success of the business?
what are creditors?
why are creditors interested in the success of the business?
why are suppliers interested in the success of the business?
Chapter 2
what is a mission statement?
what is the aim of a business?
Can aims be measured?
Give an example of an objective
what does maximising profits mean?
Give 2 examples of how a business can maximise its profits?
what is a company’s ‘market share’?
why would a business want to increase its ‘market share’?
why would ‘survival’ become a businesses’ main aim?
explain what ‘breaking even’ means to a business
Give 2 examples of how a business can ‘grow’?
Give 2 examples of ‘non-financial’ aims and give their advantages to an owner or a business
why would a business include a section on “Corporate Social Responsibility” on its website?
how does Asda intend to help the environment and the planet itself?
Chapter 3
What does administration involve?
List examples of tasks which administrative staff would undertake on a regular basis?
Why are administrators vital for a business?
Chapter 4
List 2 routine tasks that businesses undertake regardless of the nature of the business
What is a non-routine task
Give an example of a non-routine task
What is the disadvantage to a business of non-routine tasks
Who is usually responsible for making decisions in an organisation
What is “delegation”. Give a example of who would be involved in delegation
What is the difference between a “centralised” and “de-centralised” business/organisation
What is the advantage of delegation
What is the disadvantage of delegation
Why is planning important within an organisation/business and what is the consequence of poor planning
What needs to be considered when planning a meeting
What is the role of the “Chairperson” and “Secretary” at a formal meeting
What are “minutes of meetings”
Why should a meeting room be sound-proofed and lockable
Why is the design of the office important to people who attend meetings
What equipment is usually available in a meeting room