Creado por South Paw H.L #1
hace más de 8 años
How long did emperor shi huangdi rule china
what was emperor shi Huang name before the establishment of the Qin dynasty?
what was THE REA
what was the one of the reasons or opinions of J.A.J Roberts on iron swords
where did Huangdi establish his capital city at
what name did emperor shi change his name to
Why did he include 'sovereign'?
why didn't Shi huangdi appoint his sons to help him govern his land
how did employing governors instead of his sons help ancient china
what was one of the ways he reformed the government besides the ones mentioned above
why did he abolish primogeniture
why did he standardized language
why did he standardized measurements
why did he make a new legal system
why did Shi Huangdi punish the Scholars
what is the great wall of china
were the 3 attempts successful to assassinate the emperor
did he find immortality