What is the most common reason why 2 parties recall a different versions of the same event? They recall it differently.
Which advocacy skills generate the greatest amount of success at trial?
A theory of the case refers to what? Always the way in which you view or present your facts and the law
The steps to follow in the developing of the theory of the case include what?
The steps of an effective witness interview are what?
An effective opening statement for a respondent or defense should?
When deciding to have two or more witness give evidence on the same fact, corroborate evidence is helpful when?
What is a leading question?
To prepare for cross examination of a witness, ask the following questions…
Generally, leading questions may be asked during when?
The witness testifying to the defence…….. (finish the sentence)
When entering exhibits…..
Exhibits are often introduced during cross exam to do what?
when referring to a subsection of substantive law…..
after the decision maker makes judgement in favour of your client the plaintiff what do you do? (With respect to costs, etc…)
when objecting to a question what do you do?
you summons a witness to appear at a court trial or hearing when? Not 100% sure witness will attend
if a paralegal learns of a binding authority that is directly on point but is helpful to the other side what do you do?
when advocating against unrepresented persons, the paralegal should not….
When entering into a guilty plea for the client, the clients instructions to enter into the agreement on a guilty plea should be?
What is substantive law?
What is the law of evidence?
How do the parties present their evidence in small claims court?
What are the six steps to follow when developing the theory of the case?
What are the basic guidelines to follow when preparing and conducting the direct examination of your witness?
Briefly discuss how to prepare for and organize your re-examination.
Provide an example of how exhibits may be used during cross-examination?
What is the recommended format for a closing argument? Describe what should be in each step.