Creado por hannah stevenson
hace más de 8 años
Families and individuals who are considering joining Omni - Pray that the Lord would bring those whom He desires to be involved.
For God to allow Omni Fellowship to be a place for all (multi-ethnic, multi-socio economic, condition, etc.)
Wisdom for making foundational communication decisions, marketing plans, key leaders, Home Groups, website, etc.
For Stonegate Church and others in the body of Christ to be generous in prayers and financial help in the startup of Omni.
For Omni to be a great blessing to Cedar Hill and beyond (to the nations!) through our serving and witnessing.
For God to bring godly leaders into the 7 key positions needed to be filled by 11/15/16.
For Core Group to have a place to meet as it expands.
For authentic, grace-saturated relationships to be built as a result of unity and integrity
For Omni’s people to read God’s word daily and seek God’s face in prayer always.
For the lost to be reached through Omni.
For God to make Omni a place of disciple making through Sunday service, homegroups, one-on-one relationships, etc.
For God to use Omni to plant other churches that represent the Kingdom
For prayer to be the undercurrent of all that happens at Omni.
For Jesus to make us all into servants of one another.
For the Holy Spirit to lead us to be on mission daily.
For Omni to be Gospel-centered in all that they do
For the people of Omni to comprehend the magnitude of the wonderful truth of our adoption
For the people of Omni to increase in our love for God and others.
For the people of Omni to joyfully, habitually abide in Jesus, recognizing that we can do nothing without Him.
For the married people of Omni to treasure God's sacred design and purpose for marriage and see it reflect the beautiful relationship of Christ and the church.
For the single people of Omni to deeply know the satisfaction of Jesus during this particular season of life.
For Omni to be a safe, life-changing community.
For the people of Omni to comprehend the depth of God's generosity toward us and see supernatural generosity among us.