Describe examples of oscillations
Define: Displacement
Define: Amplitude
Define: Frequency
Define: Period
Define: Phase difference
Define: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
Describe the interchange between kinetic energy and potential energy during SHM
State what is meant by damping
Describe examples of damped oscillations
Define: Light damping, heavier damping, critical damping
State what is meant by natural frequency of vibration and forced oscillations
Define: Resonance
Describe examples of resonance where the effect is useful and where it should be avoided
Describe a wave pulse and a continuous progressive (travelling) wave
Does a travelling wave transfer energy?
Describe and give examples of transverse and of longitudal waves
Describe waves in two dimensions, including the concepts of wavefronts and of rays
Describe: Crest
Describe: Rarefaction
Define: Wave speed
Define: intensity
Electromagnetic spectrum (EMS)
Describe the reflection and transmission of waves at a boundary between two media (this includes sketching of incident, reflected and transmitted waves)
State Snell's law
Define: Diffraction
Describe examples of diffraction
The principle of superposition
What is meant by constructive and destructive interference?