Este test está cronometrado.
Tienes 15 minutos para completar 15 preguntas de este test.
1) Pernicious anemia is caused by:
A) Bone marrow irradiation
B) Vitamin B12 deficiency
C) Decreased iron intake.
D) G6PD deficiency
2) Esinophilia is associated with:
A) Viral infection.
B) Bacterial infection.
C) Fungal infection
D) Parasitic infection.
Cell responsible for antigen presentation to T lymohocyte:
A) Complement
B) Macrophage
C) Neutrophil
The cell which is attacked by AIDS:
A) Neutrophils
B) T helper
C) B lymphocytes
D) T suppressor
5) Concerning platelet plug, All occurs except:
A) TXA2 causes platelet aggregation.
B) VWF acts as a bridge between platelets and collagen.
C) Platelet adhesion caused by ADP.
D) Prostacyclin spreads the plug.
6) Severe Liver disease, one of the following occurs:
A) Increased Viscosity.
B) Increased plasma protein synthesis
C) Decreased Osmotic pressure of plasma proteins.
D) Increased A/G ratio.
7) Anemic woman, and pregnant has MCV = 70 cubic micron, The most common cause is:
A) Vitamin B12 deficiency.
B) Hemolytic anemia.
C) Iron deficiency anemia.
D) Renal Failure.
8) Choose the correct statement about Hemostasis:
A) Platelet adhesion is caused by TXA2.
B) Extrinsic pathway is initiated by factor XII
C) Intrinsic pathwsy is rapid
D) There is positive feed back between prothrombin and Thrombin.
9) Heparin and Histamine are secreted by:
A) Esinophils
B) Basophils
C) Neutrophils
D) Granulocytes
10) Defect in vessel wall is caused by:
A) Vitamin C deficiency
B) Vitamin K deficiency
C) Vitamin B12 deficiency
D) Vitamin D deficienc
11) Incompatible blood transfusion, All are true except:
A) Hyperkalemia
B) Hypertension
C) Jaundice
D) Renal Failure
12) Plasma proteins perform all except:
A) 15% of buffering capacity
B) Viscosity
C) Oxygen carriage
D) Osmotic pressure
13) WBCs leave capillaries by process called:
A) Margination
B) Opsonisation
C) Chemotaxis
D) Diapedesis
14) Graft rejection caused by one of WBCs:
A) B lymphocytes
B) Monocytes
C) T lymphocytes
D) Neutrophils
15) Concerning Erythropoiesis choose the correct answer
A) Decreased by Erythropoeitin release.
B) In men less than Women
C) Occurs in Bone marrow in intrauterine life
D) Increased by decreased oxygen supply