Creado por Rahul sharma
hace alrededor de 8 años
Explain how the first and second heart sounds are generated, relate these to cardiac cycle and valve opening and closure.
Symptoms of aortic stenosis
Signs of Aortic stenosis
Define stenosis
Define regurgitation (incompetence)
Common causes of Aortic stenosis
(Bicuspid cusp calcification)
Common causes of Aortic stenosis
pathophysiology of Aortic stenosis
Symptoms and signs of aortic sclerosis
Symptoms and signs of mitral regurgitation
Common causes of mitral regurgitation
Define acute mitral regurgitation
Define chronic mitral regurgitation of the gradual onset
What is mitral valve prolapse (MVP)?
Pathophysiology of MVP
Causes of tricuspid regurgitation
Symptoms and signs of tricuspid regurgitation
Symptoms and signs of pulmonary stenosis