We keep the cat in the fridge.
The cat is kept in the fridge.
The cat was kept in the fridge
People have seen a cat in a hat in the streets of Newcastle.
The cat in a hat was seen in the streets of Newcastle.
The cat in a hat has been seen in the streets of Newcastle.
The angry cat broke the mirror.
The mirror was broken by the angry cat.
The mirror has been broken by the angry cat.
The crazy cat is watching cartoons on telly.
The cartoons were watched by the crazy cat.
The cartoons are being watched by the crazy cat.
The crazy cat will visit your house soon.
Your house will be visited by the crazy cat soon.
Your house is visited by the crazy cat soon.
The crazy cat had witnessed a car crash.
A car crash was witnessed by the crazy cat.
A car crash had been witnessed by the crazy cat.
The crazy mouse must eat the crazy cat.
The crazy cat must be eaten by the crazy mouse.
The crazy mouse must be eaten by the crazy cat.