960 Name the arteries & anatomical regions.
960 Name the veins.
961 S & Sx of angina.
962 DDx for chest P.
964 List risk factors for developing CAD.
965 Which ECG change is seen that is associated with myocardial ischaemia?
965 Which ECG change is seen that is associated with myocardial ischaemia?
965 Describe Ix that can be used to confirm the diagnosis of angina.
966 Discuss the non-pharmacological Mx of stable angina.
967 What are the classes of drugs used to Rx stable angina?
968 Explain to a pt how to take sublingual GTN in the event of chest P.
970 Why is cardiac catheterization performed & what are the complications?
971 Discuss indications for coronary artery bypass surgery.
977 Outline the pathology of atheroma.
979 Outline the pathogenesis of coronary thrombus formation.