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Shane Buckley
Mapa Mental por , creado hace más de 1 año

Junior Certificate History Mapa Mental sobre World War II, creado por Shane Buckley el 01/05/2013.

Shane Buckley
Creado por Shane Buckley hace más de 11 años
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World War IIHitler and the NazisPolandBattle ofBritianThe Invasion of RussiaGermany became arepublic in 1932Hitler became GermanChancellor the next yearHe forced jews, gypsies, communists anddisabled people to live in ghettosHe called himself the FutherSwastikaMeant good lookbecame sign of the Nazismeans leaderHe had secret police called the GestapoPoland was invaded by the Nazis on 1 September 1939Britian and France Declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939Invaded using Blitzkreig or Lightning WarIn August 1940 the Germans began OperationSealion, the invasion of BritianThey tried to destroy the air forceThe also bombed the british citiesHitler invaded Russia On 22 June 1941Loads of Russians were killed but then Winter beganOil began to freezeSoldiers froze to deathThe Russians launched a counter attack and pushedGermans back to the borderUSA joins Britain7th December 1941Pearl HarbourBig ThreeJosef Stalin : RussiaRoosevelt : USAChurchill : BritainD-Day6 June 1944NormandyWar in europe ended 7th May 1945JapanNuclear Bombs Aug 1945HiroshimaNagisakisurrender 14 Aug 1945And a terror order called the SSHaz doble clic en este nodo para editar el textoHaz clic en este nodo y arrástralo para crear uno nuevo