Creado por Jess Belt
hace más de 8 años
What are the 9 insect orders?
Which orders have complete metamorphosis?
Which orders have partial metamorphosis?
Which order has no metamorphosis?
Which order has almost complete metamorphosis and why?
Which orders have chewing mouth parts?
Which orders have piercing/sucking mouthparts?
Which order has syphoning mouthparts?
Which order has rasping/sucking mouthparts?
Which order has chewing/lapping mouthparts?
Which order has sponging mouthparts?
Collembola is Latin for_____.
Thysanoptera is Latin for_____.
Orthoptera is Latin for_____.
Hemiptera is Latin for____.
Homoptera is Latin for____.
Coleoptera is Latin for____.
Lepidoptera is Latin for____.
Diptera is Latin for____.
Hymenoptera is Latin for____.
I.D. Features of collembola
ID features for Thysanoptera
ID features for Orthoptera
ID features for Hemiptera
ID features for Homoptera
ID features for Coleoptera
ID features for Lepidoptera