Reduced lip closure is a disorder of the stage
Reduced tongue shaping/coordination is a disorder of the stage
Reduced range of motion is a disorder of the phase
Reduced labial tension/tone is a disorder of the stage
Reduced buccal tension is a disorder of the stage
Reduced tongue control/tongue thrust is a disorder of the oral prep and oral oral oral prep pharyngeal esophageal( oral prep and oral, oral, oral prep, pharyngeal, esophageal ) stage
Delayed oral onset of swallow is a disorder of the oral oral prep pharyngeal esophageal oral prep and oral( oral, oral prep, pharyngeal, esophageal, oral prep and oral ) stage
Apraxia of the swallow is a disorder of the stage
Residue on the floor of the mouth is a disorder of the ❌ stage
Residue of food on the tongue is a disorder of the phase
Residue on mid tongue depression is a disorder of the stage
Lingual discoordination is a disorder of the stage
Incomplete tongue-palate contact is a disorder of the phase
Residue of food on the hard palate is a disorder of the stage
Repetitive lingual rocking is a disorder of the phase
Uncontrolled bolus or premature loss of liquid/pudding into pharynx is a disorder of the stage
Piecemeal deglutition is a disorder of the phase
Delayed pharyngeal swallow is a disorder of the stage
Nasal penetration during swallow is a disorder of the pharyngeal oral oral prep oral and oral prep esophageal( pharyngeal, oral, oral prep, oral and oral prep, esophageal ) stage
A pseudoepiglottis is a disorder of the stage
Cervicial osteophytes are a disorder of the stage
Unilateral pharyngeal wall weakness is a disorder of the stage
Reduced pharyngeal contraction is a disorder of the stage
Impaired epiglottic function is a disorder of the pharyngeal oral oral prep oral prep and oral esophageal( pharyngeal, oral, oral prep, oral prep and oral, esophageal ) stage
Reduced tongue base movement is a disorder of the stage
Coating in depression/pocket of pharyngeal wall is a disorder of the stage
Reduced laryngeal elevation is a disorder of the stage
Laryngeal penetration and aspiration after swallow are disorders of the stage
Aspiration during swallow is a disorder of the pharyngeal esophageal oral oral prep oral prep and oral( pharyngeal, esophageal, oral, oral prep, oral prep and oral ) stage
Residue in both pyriform sinuses is a disorder of the stage
Residue throughout the pharynx is a disorder of the stage
Esophageal-pharyngeal back-flow is a disorder of the stage
Tracheoesophageal Fistula is a disorder of the stage
Zenker's Diverticulum is a disorder of the stage
Pill induced esophagitis is a disorder of the stage
Esophageal stricture is a disorder of the stage
Esophageal web is a disorder of the stage