What is MIDI?
What does MIDI stand for?
What is a MIDI sequencer?
What is MIDI interface?
In Pro Tools, what do Audio Tracks do?
In Pro Tools, what do Aux Tracks do?
In Pro Tools, what do MIDI Tracks do?
In Pro Tools, what do Instrument Tracks do?
Discuss the relationship between the iConnect MIDI 2+ MIDI Interface and the MIDI Thru Box
What is a Channel Message?
How many MIDI channels are there?
What is a Control Change (Continuous Controller) Message?
What does a MIDI Merger do?
What is a Local Switch?
What is Aftertouch?
What is Polyphonic Key Pressure?
What is Channel Pressure (Aftertouch)?
What is the basic structure of a Channel Message?
How do you tell a Status Byte from a Data Byte?
Structure of a Status Byte
Channel Voice Messages usually have ___ steps
Pitch Bend requires greater resolution and has how many steps?