Given the following conditions:
-ALB-10B, 1.13, 125V SWITCH PNL 1ED1 TRBL, is alarming.
-All other alarms are clear.
-A-BT1ED, BATT BT1ED1 CURRENT, is indicating (–) 10 amps.
-V-1ED1, 125 VDC SWITCH PNL 1ED1 VOLT, is indicating 130 volts.
-A Nuclear Equipment Operator (NEO) reports that 125 VDC BATTERY CHARGER BC1ED1-1 is aligned in the “Float” mode with a DC VOLTS indication of 134 volts.
-The NEO also reports that when the GROUND TEST switch at Panel 1ED1 is placed in “Test”, both the NEGATIVE-GND and POSITIVE-GND white lights are lit, with the NEGATIVE-GND white light slightly brighter than the POSITIVE-GND white light.
Which of the following is the cause of the trouble alarm on 125 VDC Panel 1ED1?
Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles: