Creado por Emma Chell
hace alrededor de 8 años
What is the definition of 'schizophrenia'?
At what age does schizophrenia commonly occur and what are the incidence rates for different genders?
What are the two major systems for the classification of schizophrenia?
Which of these systems is more commonly used?
How many groups can symptoms be split into?
What are 'positive symptoms' and give two examples?
Define 'hallucinations'.
Describe examples of 'hallucinations'
Define 'delusions'.
Describe examples of 'delusions'.
What are 'negative symptoms' and give four examples.
Define 'speech poverty'.
What do the different classification systems include 'Thought Process Disorder' as?
What is 'avolition'?
Define 'disturbance of effect'?
Define 'psychomotor disturbances'.
What two symptoms must be included in any description of negative symptoms?
Where was the classification system DSM-5 produced?
Who was the ICD-10 produced by?
What should these classification systems lead to?
Issues that may affect accuracy of diagnosis are...
Describe in depth, what is reliability and how it applies to the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
Define test-retest reliability.
Define inter-rater reliability.
Provide evidence for the importance of reliability in the diagnosis of schizophrenia which shows that the classification systems have become more valid over time.
Give a description of validity.
What is reliability?
Define predictive validity.
What is descriptive validity?
Define aetiological validity.
Which studies provide evidence for the theory surrounding the importance of validity in the diagnosis of schizophrenia?
What is co-morbidity?
Provide 2 pieces of research evidence suggesting the impact of co-morbidity.
What is culture bias within schizophrenia?
Provide 2 pieces of research that support the lack of validity in diagnosis as a result of culture bias.
What is the relevance of gender bias in schizophrenia.
Provide 2 pieces of research evidence suggesting the effect of gender bias on the diagnosis of schizophrenia.
What is the effect of symptom overlap in the diagnosis of schizophrenia?
Suggest 2 pieces of research evidence that support the theory of symptom overlap.
A biological explanation for schizophrenia is genetics, elaborate.
What is gene mapping?
What is a key study which explores genetic inheritance of schizophrenia by conducting an experiment on twins?
What were the findings of this study?
What does 'MZ' and 'DZ' represent?
What is 'concordance rate'?
What is the purpose of adoption studies?
Give an example of research with an adoption study.
What are family studies?
Suggest a family study that is relevant.
Evaluate the genetic explanation to schizophrenia (5 points, all negative).
What is the dopamine hypothesis?
Who updated the dopamine hypothesis?