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All of the following nerves exit the cranial cavity by way of bony openings located in the middle cranial fossa EXCEPT
All the following nerves run in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, Except
Ophthalmic nerve
Trochlear nerve
Maxillary nerve
Oculomotor nerve
Abducent nerve
Cavernous sinus communicates with all the following, Except
Facial vein through superior Ophthalmic vein
Straight sinus through great cerebral vein
Transverse sinus through superior petrosal sinus
IJV through inferior petrosal sinus
all of the following bones share in the formation of anterior cranial fossa EXCEPT :-
lesser wing of sphenoid bone
orbital plate of frontal bone
jugum sohenoidale
greater wing of sphenoid bone
all the following sinuses are single EXCEPT :-
superior sagital sinus
straight sinus
basilar sinus
inferior petrosal sinus