Creado por Rawr_Captain
hace casi 12 años
'...his mother started crying before breakfast, and it frightened him.'-MARCUS
'Insults were hurled in just the same way as missiles.....and if other people happened to be standing in the line of fire they got hit too.' -MARCUS
'SPAT (Single Parents - Alone Together)' - WILL
'...by the time Suzie had finished her litany of treachery and deceit, he wanted to cut his own penis of with a kitchen knife.'- WILL
'...he dressed like a twenty-five-year-old accountant on his day off...jeans and a Microsoft T-shirt' -WILL ABOUT MARCUS
'Marcus didn't like this bloke, so he didn't answer him...Marcus hated him even more. Who did this Will think he was?...maybe he didn't hate him after all...Marcus hate him again'- ABOUT WILL
'He couldn't speak. He didn't know what to say. He didn't cry either. It was much too serious for that.'- MARCUS ON MOTHER'S ATTEMPTED SUICIDE
'He would've liked nothing better than to pretend he has a flashing blue light on the top of his car, drive on the wrong side of the road and crash through as many red lights as he wanted...' -WILL CREATING MOVIE-LIKE EVENT IN HIS HEAD FROM FIONA'S SERIOUS INCIDENT
'At the moment's no good to me. I can see that you're better at the moment. You've just put the kettle on. But what happens when you've finished your tea?' -MARCUS TO FIONA, WORRIED FOR HER, CAN'T ALWAYS WATCH OVER HER
'He spent the last five minutes trying to kill himself. Like you did. I didn't want to watch it, and I didn't want you to watch it.'- MARCUS TO FIONA
'You had to live in your own bubble' - Will
'Every man is an island' - WILL
'The oldest twelve-year-old on the planet' - about Marcus
'Single mothers, bright, attractive, available women' -WILL
'Nicky and Mark....as much contact with Lee....as koala bears have with piranha fish....because of him, the koala bears had fallen into the sea and the piranhas were taking an interest in them'-MARCUS
'He just wasn't right for schools'- MARCUS