Creado por Gwen Paparone
hace alrededor de 8 años
What are the routes of antinfective medication?
What are considerations to the kidney when treating with anti-effective agents?
What are some considerations to the lier when treating with anti infective agents?
What symptoms are common with all antibiotics?
Culture use for antiinfective agent?
What is meant by sensitivity?
What does C and S stand for?
What is meant by broad spectrum?
Peak drug level
Why are peak and trough important to consider?
are anti infective agents capable of causing an allergic response ?
What is the most common antibiotic allergy?
Can urticaria be a precursor to anaphylaxis?
What is dangerous about angiodema?
What should you do as a response to anaphylaxis?
Why should patients always take the entire course of antibiotics?
What should be your first response when you notice signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction
What foods should you take with an antibiotic?
Should you drink water with a dose of antibiotics?
Why should you maintain an adequate fluid intake when on an antibiotic?
Indications for digoxin
Administration of digoxin
What should you assess about the patient before administering digoxin?
What labs should you go over before administering digoxin?
What are the symptoms of Digoxin toxicity?
What is the therapeutic range for digoxin ?
What is the antagonist to digoxin?
What should you teach your patient about digoxin ?
Angiotensin-converting Enzyme
(ACE) inhibitors
indications for ace inhibitors ?
What is the suffix most ace inhibitors end in ?
Adverse effects of ace inhibitors?
When should catopril be administered to a patient?
Why should you monitor the blood pressure of somebody on ace inhibitors?
What should you instruct the patient to do after the first dose, or a rapid increase in dose?
What else should you monitor for a patient on catopril and why?
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
What are commonly prescribed ARBs?
Why are ARBs preferable to ACE inhibitors?
What is meant when the sympathetic nervous system is referred to as adrenergic?
What is the term for drugs that mimic the sympathetic nervous system ?
What are the symptoms of fight or flight?
What is meant by the parasympathetics nervous system being referred to as cholinergic?
Drugs that mimic the parasympathetic nervous system are known as?
Symptoms of Parasympathomimetic drugs?
Beta receptor
Beta 1 receptor
Beta 2 receptor
What is the significance of the fact that we have 1 heart and 2 lungs
Propranolol (inderal)
Types of Propranolol
Side effects of Propranolol
What should you monitor for Propranolol?
How should you educate a patient on Propranolol
Albuterol (Ventolin, Proair)
routes for albuterol
Sx of Albuterol
Lasix (Furosemide)
indications for lasix
Contraindications for lasix
Side effects pf lasix
What should you monitor in a patient taking lasix?
How should you educate the patient whose taking lasix?
How do loop diuretics cause ototoxcicity ?
Nitroglycerin (NGT)
Routes of NTG
Side effects of NTG
How should a patient be taught in regards to NTG treatment?
How often can you give Nitro?
Contraindications to nitro -
Can heparin actively dissolve existing clots ?
Administration of heparin
What are some of the indications for heparin ?
How quickly does heparin work through IV administration?
How long does heparin work after a sub q shot is given?
What lab should you monitor when you administer heparin?
What is generally therapeutic for heparin?
Adverse Reactions
Antagonist to heparin
Contraindications to heparin
Enoxaparin (Lovenox)
indications of lovenox
What is the benefit for Lovenox over heparin?
Does heparin or lovenox have a longer half life?
how is lovenox administered?
What can be used to partially reduce the effects of lovenox
Warfarin (Coumadin)
What is the administration for warfarin?
What percentage protein bound is warfarin?
What is the onset of warfarin?
Antagonist for warfarin?
Indications for warfarin?
Labs you need to look at for warfarin?
how often should you check INR
What is the acceptable range for INR?
Nursing implications for anticoagulants
What are some other agents that can act on the coagulation cascade?
What is digatran (pradaxa)?
What is Digatrans antagonist?
Pantoprazole (Prontonix)
Administration of Pantopraxole?
Adverse reactions to
Risks of injecting pantoprazole (Protonix)?
Phentoin (Dilantin)
is the half life for dilantin longer or shorter than most drugs?
What should you always rememeber to do before you administer dilantin?
What is another example of an anticonvulsant
What are the contraindications for dilantin?
Adverse effects of dilantin
Which population is dilantin most likely to effect?
What labs should you monitor when administering dilantin?
When should you instruct the patien to take dilantin (phenytoin)?
Docusate Sodium (Colace)
Indications for colace
Contraindications for colace
Zofran (Ondansetron)
indications for zofran/ ondansetron
what is a common side effect of zofran ?
What should you educate the patien to do in relation to zofran?
What are insulins classified based on?
lispro (humalog)
Asparat (Novalog)
Regular insulin
Neutral Protamine Hagedorn (NPH) Insulin
what is an examle pf long acting insulin
What units is insulin available in ?
How is insulin glarinne available?
What is the only insulin you can give IV?
Adverse effects
Nursing impliactions of corticosteroids?