Creado por Joshua Vance
hace alrededor de 8 años
What is the name of the tide when there are two high and two low waters each tidal day?
What is the name of the tide when there is only a single high and single low water each tidal day?
What tide occurs when the moon and sun are in line and pulling together, as at new and fool moon?
What tide occurs when the moon and sun oppose each other, as at the quadratures?
An air mass that forms over land is referred to as _____.
An air mass that forms over water is referred to as _____.
What are the four regions where air masses form?
What occurs when the faster moving cold front overtakes the warm front?
In a planet's orbit, the point closest to the sun is called _____.
In a planet's orbit, the point furthest from the sun is called _____.
A tropical depression has maximum sustained wind speeds of up to _____ mph.
A tropical storm has maximum sustained wind speeds between _____ and _____ mph.
A hurricane has maximum sustained wind speeds of _____ mph and above.