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Natasha Davies
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Magazine Advert Analysis

Natasha Davies
Creado por Natasha Davies hace alrededor de 8 años
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Magazine Advert AnalysisRed is the main colour and this could appeal toRihanna's target audience (teenager/young adultfemales) as red connotes love which suggests thatthe album is going to be focused around lovesongs- this would appeal to Rihanna's targetaudience as stereotypically teenage girls only careabout boys and want loveThe artist face is seen on the majority of themagazine advert and this attracts thetarget audiences attention. If some ofRihanna's fans were to see this advert theywould be able to tell straight away who theadvert is promoting (Rihanna) and want tofind out more information about itimmediately as they would already be fans.It would also attract people who aren't fansas they could be curious as to who theperson is and want to find out more aboutthe advert.The focus of the advert is on Rihanna.In the image on the left she isdressed nicely and this could be toappeal to a male target audience whomay not necessarily like her music,but they could be drawn in by herphysical appearance. This magazineadvert is used successfully in avoyeuristic manner. The image on theright is a close up of her face whichagain draws people in as they wouldbe focusing on just her looks, but it isalso the image of the album coverwhich alerts people who look at theadvert of what to look for in shops ifthey want to get her new album.There is only a minimumamount of writing on theadvert which means thatthere is nothing todistract you from theimportant informationwhich is displayed in boldwhite writing whichcontrasts with the brightred. The most importantinformation is the artistsname- Rihanna, the nameof the album- LOUD, andthe release date-November 16th.Red also connotes danger whichlinks to the title of the album"LOUD". The colour red stands out,just like, danger and people areusually drawn to danger so becauseof the red people will be drawn tothe advert.Haz doble clic en este nodo para editar el textoHaz clic en este nodo y arrástralo para crear uno nuevo