Minerals involved in bone formation
Regulators of Bone Formation
What is extracellular calcium involved with?
What is intracellular calcium involved with?
How is most Ca excreted?
Three forms of Calcium
Extracellular to intracellular calcium gradient
Phosphorus distribution in the body
How is Phosphorus excreted
Serum forms of Phosphorus
Distribution of Mg in the body
Regulatory effects of Mg+
Which portion of the bones are targeted by androgens and why
What is in the ECM?
Cells involved in remodeling bone
Cortical vs Trabecular Bone
Components of the Osteon
Osteocytic Osteolysis
Which cells secrete growth factors into the matrix?
What stimulates stem cells to become osteoclast precursors
How are osteoclasts activated?
What is nucleation?
Progression of stem cell stimulation
What condition is necessary to reabsorb calcium?
What is the purpose of osteoprotegerin?
RANK/OPG in metastasis
location of parathyroid gland?
Why is the half life of PTH important?
Calcium regulation of PTH
How does Vit D affect PTH
What regulates PTH production?
Why does low extracellular Mg+ inhibit PTH secretion?
What senses calcium steroid levels?
CaSR activation
Familial Hypercalcemic Hypocalcuria
PTH Receptor 1 (PTHR1)
Where is it? Structure? Binds?
PTH affect of inorganic phosphate. Why?
Consequences of hypocalcemia?
Consequences of hypercalcemia?
Why does hypocalcemia lead to cardiac arrest?
Effects of PTH on renal tubules
Effect of Calcemia
Effects of Phosphatemia
Drug treat hyperparathyroidism
Drug treating osteoperosis
Where does Vitamin D act?
What stimulates 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferol and where?
What form of Vitamin D can you get from your diet?
Which version of Vit D is seen as a reservoir and where is it from?
What hormone turns 25-hydroxycholececaliferol to 1,25-(OH)
Which form of Vit D is more likely to bind to it's nuclear steroid receptor?
Which form of Vitamin D is most biologically active?
What is the main regulatory step of Vitamin D production?
What genes do Vitamin D upregulate?
What does Calbindin do?
Negative feedback of Vitamin D
Foods rich in Vitamin D
Direct effect of Vit D in the bone
Indirect effect of Vitamin D on Bone
Net effect of Vit D
Calcitonin produced by which cells?
Type of receptor on C-Cells
When is calcitonin released?
What is the function of Calcitonin?
Therapeutic options for Osteoperosis
Intermittent PTH vs Sclerosin Inhibitors