anna clews
Mapa Mental por , creado hace más de 1 año

gcse Core Science Mapa Mental sobre B1, C1 & P1, creado por anna clews el 24/11/2016.

anna clews
Creado por anna clews hace alrededor de 8 años
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B1, C1 & P1B1fitness= ability to doexercisehealth= free from diseasehigh bp= brain damage(stroke).BMI=mass in kg/heigt in m2EAR= 0.6 x body mass inkgDepressant and stimulant drugsaffect nervous system.smoking,unhealthydiet = high BPmosquito is a vectorthat carries malariaplasmodiumis thepathogenthat causesmalaria. Its aparasite andhuman itshosthomeostatis = maintaining a constantinternal enviromentauxin are group ofplant hormones.Auxins involved inphototropism ( response tolight) Geotropism (response to gravity)Light rays are refracted as they passthrough cornea and lens.Eye accomodates by altering the lens shape.monocular vision has a widerbut poorer distance judgementthan monocular visionA nerve impulse travels along axon ofneurone.Aneurotransmittersubstancediffuses across asynapse- nextnerve impulsecan pass to thenext neurone.spinal reflex involves areceptor sensory, relay &motor neurones & aneffectoralleles are different versions of the samegeneGender is determinedby sex chromosomes-XX=female , XY = malehuman body cells have 23 pairs ofchromosomesinherited disorders caused byfaulty allelesdominant alleles are expressed ifpresent. Recessive allelesexpressed in absence of dominantallele.Homozygous having 2 identical alleles,being heterozygous having 2 different allels.most faultyalleles arerecessive.P1Energy is transferred from a hotter to acolder body.temperature is a measured of hotness on anarbitray scale, measured in C*.Energy ismeasuredof energytransfer (onabsolutescale) JEnergytransferred= mass Xspecificlatent heat.Air is agoodinsulator &reducesenergytransferbyconductionConductionin solid isby thetransfer ofkineticenergy.Trappedair reducesenergytransfer byconvection.Convectioncurrentsare causedby densitychanges.Energysaving inhome canbeachievedby: *doubleglazing *capacitywallinsulation *curtainsShinysurfacesreflectinfraredradiationto reduceenergytransferEnergytransformationcan berepresentedby StankeydiagramsEfficiency=usefulenergyoutput(x100) \totalenergy inputWarm&hotobjectsemitinfraredradiationInfraredradiation isused forcookingMicrowavescan be used forcooking&communicationLaser lightis singlecolour andin phase.Laser light ,visiblelight andinfraredare allused tosendsignalsalongopticalfibres bytotalinternalreflectionDigital andanaloguesignalsallow manysignals tobetransmittedat the sametime.Morse is adigitalcodeDigitalsignalsallow manysignals tobetransmittedat the sametimeDigitalsignals areclearerElectromagneticspectrumRadiowavesMicrowavesInfraredradiationVisiblelightUltravioletX-raysGammaraysThe energyof the wavelengthincreassDigital andanaloguesignalsallow manysignals tobetransmittedat the sametime.Morse is adigitalcodeDigitalsignalsallow manysignals tobetransmittedat the sametimeDigitalsignals areclearerElectromagneticspectrumRadiowavesMicrowavesInfraredradiationVisiblelightUltravioletX-raysGammaraysThe energyof the wavelengthincreassearthquake waves travel through the earth.different waves help us find out about the inside of the earthExposure to UV radiation causes sunburn and skin cancer.sun-cream reduces damage caused by UV radiation.CFCs cause ozone layer to be thinner.Radio waves used forcommunticationC1Crude oil mixture ofmany hydrocarbonsHydrocarbons with biggermolecules = stronger intermolecular forcesHydrocarbons with smaller molecules =weaker intermolecular forcescracking converts largealkane molecules --->smalleralkane and alkene moleculescracking helps oil refinery matchits supply of useful products(petrol) for demandcrude oil seperated byfractional distilation.heated at bottomFractions ( low bp) exit at topFractions ( high bp) exit at bottomfossil fuels finite ( non renewable) resources beingmade slower than fast demandAlkANE= single covalent bond only.AlkENE= double covealnte bondPhotosynthesis, respiration & combustion =processes in carbon cycleclean air - 21%= oxygen 78%nitrogen 0.35% = CO2choosing a fuel: energy value, avalbility storage . pollutionNylon + Goretex = tough ,lightweight,keeps water outGoretex also allows water to pass throughso sweat doesn't condenseProtein molecules in egg andmeat denature ( change shape)when cookedemulsifiers are molecules with...hydrophilic tail= water lovinghydrophobic tail = oil lovingperfumes need to evaporate so can reach nosePaints are collids as they're mixed (collective particles)Thermohromic pigments= change colour with heat (used in babies bath toys)phosohorescent pigments glow in darkand much safer to use in productsoriginal atmosphere came from early volcanoes ( high in rich water and CO2)oceans made from condensated waterHaz doble clic en este nodo para editar el textoHaz clic en este nodo y arrástralo para crear uno nuevo