Creado por Hannah 2nd year
hace alrededor de 8 años
Official Statistics
A victim survey or a victimisation survey.
Offender survey
Offender profiling (criminal profiling)
The top-down approach
(US Model)
Organised Offender
Disorganised Offender
The bottom-up approach
(UK Model)
Investigative Psychology
Geographical Profiling
Atavistic Form
Define eugenic
Eysenck's theory of criminal behaviour
(psychological but has biological basis.)
(Cognitive explanations for offending)
Kohlberg's theory
Neural Explanations
Sutherland's Differential association theory
-Custodial sentencing
-Psychological factors of custodial sentencing
Behaviour modification
Anger management
(a form of CBT)
Stages of Anger Management.
Restorative justice
Problems in defining crime.
Ways of measuring crime
Evaluation of defining and measuring crime
What is used in the Top Down Approach?