What are rocks?
What are crystals made of?
Name 3 uses of rocks in houses.
What does Granite contain?
Name the crystals in Sandstone.
What is Feldspar made of?
What mineral is made of Sea creature shells? Include geological name.
How many known minerals are there?
What are the most common atoms in minerals?
What are Rock-building minerals?
What minerals are most commonly found on the Earth's crust?
Name the three rock groups. Give examples.
How do sediments build up in the weight?
Name the sedimentary rock of each sediment.
i) mud
ii) sand
iii) shells in the ocean
How do crystal look like inside & outside the Earths surface?
What changes in rocks when metamorphosed?
What does mudstone change into after metamorphosed?
How much of the Earth's crust is made of rock?
What is weathering? Name two types of weathering
How are rocks weathered?
How does the Heating & Cooling of rocks work?
What is freeze-thaw weathering?
Name & Explain the process of Reduction of rock by pressure.
How does Biological Weathering occur?
How does Acidic rain weather down limestone?
How is Clay formed?
Name the crystal found on beaches.
What type of climates break down rocks quick?
Draw & Label the Rock Cycle.
How can sand become the three types of rocks?
How do rocks push up & down the Earth's crust in rock cycle?
How have our continents evolved over 550 million years?
What is the Geological Timescale?
How are mountain ranges formed?
Name UKs bedrocks. (in order)
What type of area is igneous rock found in?
How many ways is limestone useful for environment?
How does mudstone help the growth of plants?
What are natural resources?
What are renewable & non-renewable resources? Give examples.
What two big challenges do humans face?
How do we make use of natural resources?