Creado por Shareef Akbari
hace más de 8 años
What are the two major innovations that happened in seed plants? What factor did these innovations arise to combat?
What does a seed contain?
What does pollen contain?
Where do the male and female gametophytes, respectively, develop in seed plants?
Are gymnosperms heterosporous or homosporous?
What is endosporic development?
Which generation is dominant in gymnosperms?
Label this diagram.
What are the advantages of having a seed?
List the steps of the evolution of an ovule.
What is a micropyle?
What is pollen?
What is polinisation
What is anemophily?
What is zoophily?
What is entomophily?
What happens after pollination in Cycadophyta and Ginkophyta?
What happens after pollination in Coniferophyta and Anthophyta?
What are the phyla that comprise gymnosperms?
When did Coniferophyta appear?
What did Coniferophyta adapt to?
What do the needles come out of in Coniferophyta?
What is a fasicle?
Why are needles good for dry conditions?
What anatomical part of Coniferophyta are strobili?
Are microsporangiate cones on Coniferophyta on superior or inferior branches?
Are megasporangiate cones on Coniferophyta on superior or inferior branches?
What cells are microspores formed out of in Coniferophyta?
Label this diagram
What are the components of an ovuliferous scale?
What are the steps that happen before fertilisation in male cones in Coniferophyta?
What are the steps that happen before fertilisation in female cones in Coniferophyta?
What happens after fertilization in Coniferophyta?
Which part of the seed is from the sporophyte generation? And the gametophyte generation?
What do Cycadophyta look like?
How are Cycadophyta pollinated?
Can Cycadophyta symbiose with anything? If so, what?
What does dioecious mean?
Where are the cones located in cycadophyta?
Are Cycadophyta sperm flagellated or not?
Do Cycadophyta have wood?
What is the only species in Ginkophyta?
What are the characteristics of Ginkophyta?
What is unique about ginkophyta?
Where does pollination happen in Ginkophyta?
Where does fertilization happen in Ginkophyta?
What genera compose Gnetophyta?
What characteristics do Gnetophyta and angiophyta share?
What is pseudo-double fertilization?