Creado por lobatomichaela
hace más de 10 años
Describe the sympatho-medullary pathway
Describe the pituitary-adrenal system
Describe Kiecolt Glaser et al study into stress related illness and the immune system
Evaluate Kiecolt Glaser's study into stress related illness and the immune system
Describe Cohen et al's study into the immune system
Evaluate Cohen et al's study into the immune system
Describe research into stress in everyday life life changes and daily hassles - Holmes and Rahe
Evaluate Holmes and Rahe and the SRRS
Supporting research into life events and stress - Rahe et al
Evaluate Holmes and Rahe (SRRS)
Evaluate supporting research - Rahe et al
Describe the Hassles and Uplifts Scale - Delongis et al
Describe research into daily hassles using the HSUP - Bouteyre et al
Evaluate Delongis et al - The Hassles and Uplifts Scale
Evaluate research into the HSUP - Bouteyre et al