Creado por lauramyates3
hace más de 10 años
How information aids decision making (general)
4 key things that good quality information allows you to do
Give example for monitoring progress in a supermarket
Give example for spot trends in a supermarket
Give example for the targeting of resources in a supermarket
What do the 4 key things provide overall to the organisation and give example
Name and describe the key things that good quality information must be
Give example for accurate
Give 2 example for relevant (supermarket and solicitors)
Give example for up-to-date in a supermarket
Give example for complete in solicitors
Give example of correctly targeted in a solicitors
Give example for understandable in a supermarket
Human resource cost for data collection
Human resource cost for data entry
Human resource cost for Data Processing/Maintenance
Time cost for data collection
Time cost for data entry
Time cost for data maintenance/processing
Financial cost for data collection
Financial cost for data entry
Financial cost of data processing/maintenance