Alina Mironova
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

Branding and advertising Lecture 1 What is a brand? Test sobre Branding and advertising Brand Management, creado por Alina Mironova el 17/01/2017.

Alina Mironova
Creado por Alina Mironova hace alrededor de 8 años

Branding and advertising Brand Management

Pregunta 1 de 7


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Types of brand portfolios:
-: treats each product/service as a standalone brand, benefits: offers multiple
options to a customer, more common in western world (EG Procter and Gamble own Al, Als and Crest toothpaste)
-: sees each product/service as part of a single master/corporate brand, gains strength in numbers, better in em markets due to economies of in advertising etc (EG Virgin own airplanes, network and trains)


Pregunta 2 de 7


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House of Brands style brand portfolios are very common in western world but Japan estimated that
1000 new soft drinks were launched in one year with % failing (De C et al, 2001)


Pregunta 3 de 7


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brands: display corporate brand and product name across a range of markets. Different markets
with different types of products happen through brand ex. (EG S do phones and washing machines)
Some M brands: stay within one broad product category but with a range of product options to support corporate brand and not di brand value (EG N)


Pregunta 4 de 7


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Brand lifecycle: from build-up/chal ---> mature/leader phase but this does not correlate with the products lifecycle. EG G, Hoover, Hovis and After Eights go back over 0 years but have evolved with the markets.
EG Apple nearly failed in the mid 19's but the release of the iPod saved it


Pregunta 5 de 7


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Brand - when brands explain their history and changes over time as a selling point, can strengthen connection with customers ( et al). (I av-a-really good story to tell you)


Pregunta 6 de 7


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Market focus on what drives decisions in their market and enables them to see how they
diff. EG initially laughed at Apple because they thought nobody would ever pay that much
for a phone


Pregunta 7 de 7


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Brand equity: how much is it worth??
marketing approach: how consumers res to the brand name rather than the product/service itself
fi approach: put a dollar value on the brand
