Creado por Lauren Scurry
hace casi 11 años
Framing - What's included and excluded in the shot.
Shallow Focus - Isolates the subject form the background.
Crane - Camera Movement - Camera above the ground moving through the air in any direction.
Track - Camera Movement - Travels through space towards/backwards of laterally.
Pan - Camera Movement - Camera body turning left or right.
Establishing shot - Distant framing of special relations among characters; object and setting in a scene
Facial expression - Key in close up shots as helps convince audience of reality.
Costumes and Makeup - Personality, Sound, status or job.
Costumes and Makeup - Deliberate to keeping with the character.
Props - Anything held or used by the actor/character.
Positioning - Signals importance of character or object.
Setting - Location where the film or programme is shot.
Non - Diegetic sound - Sound that is added to a scene, that isn't heard by the characters.
Monologue - A speech made by one person.
Sound effects - Enhance a realistic sense of place.
Pleonastic sound - An effect that is added to exaggerate sound.
Contrapuntal sound - often music, that does not seem to 'fit' with the image.
Sound Motif - Sound that is associated with a particular, character, feeling or place.
EDITING - Process of selecting a number of shots together.
EDITING - creates perspective or view point within a sequence.
EDITING - Develops how the audience is positioned in relation to the representation of the character.
Juxtaposition Shot - The placing of shots side by side, shots interact with each other to create meaning.
180 Degree Rule - Dictates the camera should stay in one of the areas on either side of the axis of action.
Straight cut - An instant change to another shot.
POV Cutting - off-screen - cut to - the object the character is looking at. POV shown from the characters optical view.
Crosscutting - Editing that alternates shots of two or more lines of action occurring in different places, simultaneously.
Shot - Reverse - Shot - during conversation between characters, closly linked with reaction shot.
Cutaway shot - A bridging shot between two shots of the same subject.
Graphic Match - Two successive shot joined so they create strong similarity of compositional elements.
Jump cut - Elliptical cut that appears to be an interruption of a single shot.
Dissolve - Form of transition editing - one image gradually begins to fade and the second image appears.
MANIPULATION OF TIME - Events by their nature happen chronologically, by story tellers can change this to make the story to give a different perspective.
Expansion of time - Prolonging the action can prolong the suspense or draw out an emotional response.
Flashback - Memories or past events shown by juxtaposing shots of present with the past.
Special Effects - Added in post production.