Creado por Megan Popp
hace casi 8 años
what type of tissue prep method was used?
what type of slide prep was used ?
what type of preparation was used for this specimen?
what is this and what type of prep was used?
What type microscopy and what type of stain was used
What type of microscopy was used ?
What type of microscopy was used ?
Name this cytoskeletal element
name this cytoskeletal element
Name this cytoskeletal element
Name this cytoskeletal element
What is this formation and what is it made of?
What is this cytoskeletal element?
What is the junction type located at the arrows?
What is the junction type located at "AdB"?
What is a metabolic by-product found on the cytoplasm?
What is located below the adheren junction and how can it be seen?
What type of junction can be see in this and how?
Where will you find a gap junction?
What is the pale substance within this nucleus?
What is the purpose of the darkest circle that the arrow is pointing to?
Name the dense, dark, substance
4 things seen in this:
Lumen of RER
Smooth ER
Free Ribosomes
This is an electron micrograph (EM) of?What is C labeling?
What are the dark circles and what is their function
What is this showing and why is there so many?
Mitochondria are located at the _____ side of this cell.
Name this stage of mitosis in IF
Name this stage of mitosis in IF
Name this stage of mitosis in IF
Name this stage of mitosis in IF
Name this stage of mitosis in IF
Name this stage of mitosis in IF
Name this stage of mitosis in IF
Name this stage of mitosis in IF