Creado por Jessica Proctor
hace casi 11 años
what is generalisability?
What is discrimination?
An example of adaptive generalisation...
How is discrimination adaptive?
How is generalisation adaptive?
How is generalisation maladaptive?
Little Albert is an example of discrimination or generalisation?
Classical conditioning is what kind of behaviour?
Example of a conditioned response..
An example of a unconditioned response
Unconditioned stimulus
What is the Garcia effect?
What is Blocking?
Give an example of blocking
A real life example of disadvantage with generalisability
Generalisability is greater when what? (Balsam 1988)
What is generalisability measured on?
What is stimulus discrimination?
Likelihood of discrimination if..
Name three examples of classical conditioning in humans.
What is the function of classical conditioning?
What is associative learning?