Creado por brittny beauford
hace casi 8 años
Two major categories of chest trauma/thoracic injuries
What is the primary management of a chest trauma/thoracic injury
In blunt force trauma what is acceleration/deceleration?
Other factors to consider with blunt force traumas
S/S of Asphyxiation (crush)
Examples of penetrating trauma
___________ is when there is air in the pleural space resulting in partial collapse of the lung.
With a pneumothorax the pressure in the lung goes from a ________ pressure to a ________ pressure
Clinical manifestations of a pneumothorax depend on size but include:
the presence of lymphatic fluid in the pleural space due to a leak in the thoracic duct
Blood in the pleural space, may or may not occur in conjunction with pneumothorax.
The increased air in the pleural space shifts organs and increases intrathoracic pressure
How to treat a traumatic open (sucking) pneumothorax
This type of pneumothorax can occur due to laceration or puncture of the lung during medical procedures. Transthoracic needle aspiration is the leading cause
A _____________ pneumothorax typically occurs due to the rupture of small blebs (air-filled blisters) located on the apex of the lung.
Spontaneous pneumothorax is the rupture of Blebs or _______ in COPD, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, and Pneumonia patients.
Another name for spontaneous pneumothorax
Why is it important to allow air to escape for a open pneumothorax?
The rapid accumulation of air in the pleural space without the ability to escape is a pneumothorax. What are early signs of this?
The rapid accumulation of air in the pleural space without the ability to escape is a pneumothorax. What are late signs of this?
____________ is when air escapes in the pleural space and goes into the SQ space. Crackles felt upon palpation. Signs of a pneumothorax.
How much blood loss from a auto transfusion or chest tube is to much?
Causes of hemothorax include
Causes of chylothorax include trauma, surgical procedures and malignancy. Therapy includes:
Treatment of pneumothorax depends on severity. Collaborative care includes:
When a chest tube is set to water seal is it ok if there is persistent bubbling of air through the water?
What can happen if a chest tube is clamped?
Chest tubes can be water sealed, to gravity or connected to _________
The drainage bottle of a chest tube should always be kept ________ the level of the patient, otherwise its contents will siphon back into the chest cavity.
Nursing management of a chest tube. What to look for
Drainage of a chest tube how much is to much?
After a chest tube is removed should a CXR be performed?
Most common type of traumatic chest injury
Two or more ribs in two or more separate locations will cause this
What type of movement is associated with flail chest?
15% of all MVA deaths are due to this. It occurs due to a shearing or compression (between sternum and spine)
Aortic tears can cause cardiac tamponade. What is cardiac tamponade?
S/S of cardiac tamponade (medical emergency)
Cardiac contusion what is the most common arrhythmia?
Drug of choice for hemothorax and why?
Who can remove a chest tube?
What to do if a chest tube is disconnected or is pulled out?
Cardiac Tamponade