Creado por Sydney Piepgrass
hace casi 8 años
Chapter 1 -
Two quotes about the door
Chapter 1 -
Three quotes about Hyde and the girl
Chapter 2 -
Two quotes about Utterson's dream
Chapter 2 -
Three quotes about Utterson meeting Hyde (description of Hyde)
Chapter 3 -
2 quotes describing Jekyll
Chapter 3 -
A quote about Jekyll's reaction to the mention of Hyde
Chapter 4 -
Three quotes about the Carew Murder
Chapter 4 -
Three quotes about the gloomy journey through London
Chapter 6 -
Three qoutes about Jekyll's short return to good
Chapter 6 -
Two quotes about Dr Lanyon's shock
Chapter 6 -
A quote about Jekyll disappearing again (letter)
Chapter 7 -
Two quotes about Jekyll's sudden change at the window
Chapter 8 -
Three quotes about the breaking into the cabinet
Chapter 9 -
Three quotes about Lanyon helping Hyde turn back to Jekyll
Chapter 10 -
Two quotes about Jekyll's Early Life
Chapter 10 -
Three quotes of Jekyll talking about being Hyde
Chapter 10 -
Three quotes of Jekyll reflecting on the duality of himself and man
Chapter 10 -
Two quotes about Jekyll's feelings towards Hyde
Chapter 10 -
Two quotes about how Jekyll will end his days