Luisa Te
Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

(U1 KEY TERMS ) SOCIOLINGÜÍSTICA Test sobre memorizar Key Terms and issues unidad 1, creado por Luisa Te el 02/02/2017.

Luisa Te
Creado por Luisa Te hace más de 7 años

memorizar Key Terms and issues unidad 1

Pregunta 1 de 28


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"isolating" languages. are those in which words to be one or long with such as Chinese, Burmese or Vietnamese.

• The of is shown primarily by order.


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as , - or Black English. It is the - variety of English spoken by the African-Americans in US urban communities.

• It is by of , double and lack of in the 3rd person single/present tense.


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or that have from one language to another. are various for borrowing to :

contact between two or more languages.
of one language over another.
to new by technological advances (computers, Internet).
with or other languages (Latin or French).


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first introduced by the anthropological linguist Dell Hymes referring to the speaker´s knowledge about how to use language properly in society.

allows the speaker to be to some factors such as:
• the , the of , and the for example,

there are and for using in situations in different .


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It is a of language spoken in a certain area, and it is by:
• different , , and .

, dialect is slowly , to the effect of the .


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The of .
There is a certain of when defining "dialect".


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Discourse analysis

It the different of language in interaction. Its of is the of units above the ,
Like texts or conversations.

of discourse analysis :

of DISCOURSE (various of discourse in politics, media, education, science, business, etc.)

○ The between :
Discourse and .
Discourse and .
Discourse and and .


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The of and that the of code by speakers:
, , , register, style, topic, etc.

The used at in a casual conversation with
friends and family will definitely be from the used at during a business meeting.
• The will use different :

a more one at home and a one at work.


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An informant is who to be in research. An informant is a source of for the .


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Language attrition

The loss of a language. It can to:

a second language but not because it isn´t the language of the (this usually happens to 2nd or 3rd generation )

• The loss of a second language formal but gradually due to lack of .


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A of sociolinguistics, also as of language. Macro-sociolinguistics the between factors and such as language , language , language and multilingualism.


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This refers to the of the differences (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary) a speech community or within the members of a within a speech community that may to background, status and class. It is used in to macro-sociolinguistics which refers to scale studies.


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Native speaker

A person who has a language since early . This term
is rather in linguistics because it the existence of
a speaker that can be in questions of usage because s/he
is to represent the that can determine or deviant
Native and non-native are not clear cut
as depending on individual factors ( origin, education, etc.) is
and all speakers are, in turn, native speakers of a given language
or dialect.


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Observer´s paradox

Upon (for purposes) a speaker or group of speakers, the will their , making it "less natural": using less expressions, pronouncing more , and using a further away from the .


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It is a of that the use of language in , i.e., the between and the and in which they are .
Within pragmatics, studies language in discourse.


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Proto Indo-European

can be classified . This classification involves the of different languages in order to show . Indo-European languages are the family. The major are:
• Albanian
• Anatolian
• Armenian
• Baltic
• Celtic
• Hellenic
• Italic
• Indo-Iranian
• Germanic
• Slavic


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Sociolinguistic interview

It is a to speech to gather about a given or group.


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Sociology of language

It is a of sociolinguistics. It studies the between factors and language such as language , language , language and multilingualism.


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Synchronic variation

The variation language at a given in . For instance: , register, style, etc. to diachronic which looks at a language from a point of view and change time.


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Synthetic language

Languages where are made of morphemes. They use a of which their according to the they are to.


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An , dialect, register or different from the language but no so much as to be considered a language .
• American English, Australian English, and Scouse are all of English.


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Ethnography of communication

A of sociolinguistics that the and for :

• using language in situations in different and also

• the aspects of , such as between speaker and hearer, eye , etc.


Pregunta 23 de 28


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Issue 1

Sociolinguistics is the of how language and is by the nature of beings.

In its conception , sociolinguistic the many and ways in which and .

This vast of and from a number of , including , sociology, and anthropology.

Sociolinguistics the of language and society, with at the point.

is the key concept, applied to language and to its .

The basic of sociolinguistics is that language is and , not homogenous, for the individual among groups of speakers who the language.


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Issue 2

Sociolinguistics vs. Sociology of Language

Initially terms.
of sociolinguistics: to and the relationship between language and society. The is placed on and its within .
Aim of Sociology of language: the study of and how we can it through the study of . That is, how we can understand by means of the study of linguistic .

In words, sociolinguistics is the study of in relation to and Sociology of language is the study of in relation to .


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Issue 3
The origins of Sociolinguistics

Sociolinguistics is a relatively field. It in the 50's and 60's, and It has in the last years together with other branches of such as psycholinguistics, pragmatics and applied linguistics which, maintain an in the of the field and the of other . Often considered a , until it finally became a fully field of .
In , sociolinguistics started with the study of and , a sound background with three main fields of interest: , and the situation of countries.
In the , however, the study of sociolinguistics from the of linguistics with other disciplines such as and .


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Issue 4
Issue 4


Sociolinguistics is all about . From a sociolinguistic point of view the most important of information is the social and factors language and make it (geographic, linguistic, gender variation).

Another aspect of variation is that it has certain . A speaker may vary his/her speech in some , especially to to certain social, economic, religious, etc. , but s/he cannot vary it certain limits otherwise s/he would be and/or .

The of sociolinguists is to the variations a language and these variations with the different groups of people that them, as well as the situations. So, sociolinguistics deals especially with , among , among and among , and the task of the sociolinguist is to find regular of variation in use.


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Issue 5

Diachronic Variation

Variation produced in languages over time is a result of their constant , because people´s
continuous use of them makes them . Spanish, for example, was once a of latin but
after centuries of use it into a new language, as it was and . The
English changed in the last centuries into English. These can affect
(sound shift); structure, which affects the of sentences;
and use. The word can also be , words can be from other languages, new
words can be or , new created...etc


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Issues 6

Speech community

A speech community is a of people that the language or dialect in a setting which can be , such as a city or a neighborhood; or , such as a whole country (no limitation of location or size).

basic for a speech community is the factor of sharing or being able to communicate in the language. Members of speech communities are united by a common , or because of specific interests, depending on the context.

SC do not necessarily to political ; they obey a number of social ; they don't need to be .
