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Louise Ma
Mapa Mental por , creado hace más de 1 año

Mapa Mental sobre The Complete Health History, creado por Louise Ma el 03/02/2017.

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Louise Ma
Creado por Louise Ma hace casi 8 años
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The Complete Health HistoryBiographic DataName, address,phone number, age,birth date, birthplace,gender, maritalpartner status, race,ethnic origin,occupation, illness ordisability, primarylanguageReason for seeking caresource of historyrecord whogave theinformation.Judge howreliable theinformant andinformation issubjective data- symptoms, sign, reason for thevisitPresent health or history of present illnesspast historyfamily historyreview of systemsfunctional assessments of activities of daily living (ADLs)Location of the pain i.e. pain behind the eyescharacter orquality- i.e.)descriptive termssuch as burning,sharp, dull..quantity or severity- i.e. pain scale 0-10timing- onset, duration, frequencysetting- where was theperson or what wasthe person doingwhen symptomstarted i.e. chest painstart when shovelingsnow?Aggravating or Relieving Factors- what makes the pain worse i.e. food, medicationassociated factors- primary symptom associated with other factors?patient's perception- how symptoms has affected the patientresidual effects on thecurrent health state.previous illness may alsogive clues about how theperson responds to illnessand the significance of theillnesschildhood illnesses, accidents orinjuries, serious or chronicillnesses, hospitalization,operations, obstetric history,immunizations, last examinationdate, allergies. currentmedicationsfamily history highlights diseases andconditions for which a particular patientmay be at increased riskpedigree/genogram-graphic family tree thatuses symbols to depict thegender, relationship, andage of immediate bloodrelatives in at least threegenerations1. to evaluate the pastand present healthstate of each bodysystem 2. double checkin case any significantdata were omitted inthe present illnesssection 3. evaluatehealth promotionpracticesgeneral overall health state, skin, hair, head, eyes, ears, nose and sinuses, neck, mouth andthroat, breast, axilla, respiratory system, cardiovascular, peripheral vascular,gastrointestinal, urinary system, male/female genital system, sexual health,musculoskeletal system, neurological system, hematologic system, endocrine systemmeasures a person's self-care ability in the areas of general physical or absence of illnessself esteem, self concept, activity/exercise, sleep/rest,nutrition/elimination, interpersonalrelationships/resources, spiritual resources, coping andstress management, personal habits, alcohol, illicit orstreet drugs, environment/hazards, intimate partnerviolence, occupational healthHaz doble clic en este nodo para editar el textoHaz clic en este nodo y arrástralo para crear uno nuevo