Creado por Khalid Badaso
hace casi 8 años
List 2 important discoveries from the industrial revoulution
What could the spinning jenny do?
Why did people migrate from rural to urban areas?
When and by who was the steam engine invented
What was the fastest growing city during the industrial revolution?
Where did the civillians live during the industrial age?
Why was it hard to have privacy in tenament homes?
What were the most common diseases in tenament house?
What were girls jobs during the industrial age?
How did they do it?
What were the working conditions like?
Why were children employed?
What did the children work as?
Why were convicts transported to Australia and not America?
What was the most common crime?
When did America gain independance?
What was Australia known as in the Industrial age?
Why was it known as this?
What happened in Australia in 1890?
What did workers do to counter this?